Goodbye from Ms Caddell

Goodbye From Ms Caddell

Hi All,  

As most of you already know, next Friday is my last working day after almost 39 years as a teacher, nearly all spent in Special Education.  I moved down from the North West of England early in the 1990s to get a permanent job thinking it would just be for a couple of years...... and have never left!!!!

When I left Hedgewood about 14 years ago to move to Meadow my Mum joked it was about time I graduated to secondary school, and now it is now time to finally leave school!!!   I started at 4 years old and have been in education ever since.   I went part-time in September and have discovered a whole new world - shops and cafes without children!!!!  Who knew that even existed???  

I just wanted to take this opportunity to say how much I have enjoyed working at Meadow and wish you all the best in the future.  I am not totally cutting my ties with the school as I am going to join the school governors for a while, so I will be popping in now and again, at least until the end of the school year.

I will miss the whole school community, but I am also really looking forwards to my "Life Beyond Meadow"
All the best.


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