Year 9



Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term



Spy File

Call of the Wild


To explore fictional and non- fictional ideas about spy characters and stories.


Create a fictitious spy identity for themselves, creating a map, list of necessary equipment and completing six written missions. 

To explore the narrative of ‘Call of the Wild’ focusing on identifying key characters in the story, key moments in the story and simple narrative structure.

Students have the opportunity to work with some non-fiction texts completing a short research project on dogs emphasising the different breeds of dog, working, wild and tame. 

The aim of this unit is for allstudents to have the opportunity to explore the
theme of actions and c
onsequences and independent decision-making through study of the play ‘Macbeth’.  This
module will allow students to explore their role as well as relate the experience of characters to situations in their own lives. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to gain knowledge of modern theatres and contrast them with
theatres and theatre practises 400 years ago as well as begin to explore notions related to how ‘actors’ tell a story to an ‘audience’.

Yr 9 SoW FCS
Yr 9 SoW FCS

Yr 9 SoW FCS

Yr 9 SoW FCS
Call of the Wild

Yr 9 SoW FCS
Call of the Wild

Yr 9 SoW FCS
Call of the Wild

Yr 9 SoW FCS

Yr 9 SoW FCS

Yr 9 SoW FCS

Reading Intervention

Reading Intervention occurs each morning and entails a combination of group, pair and individual reading as well as focusing on writing, communication and comprehension. Pupils learn in different ways and this is reflected in how we offer Reading Intervention.  We run class based phonics programs and reading schemes (Rapid Readers). Please contact the pupils form tutor for more personalised information.

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
  Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2

Signing and Communication

Revise Core Skills

Autumn/ Winter

Weather and Clothes



My Local Area


At the Park


Signing & Communication lessons aim to enhance students' communication skills, broaden their vocabulary as well as build and embed their ability to use language in a socially meaningful way. The 'Communication' element focuses on individual PLIM targets: 'Signing' refers to Signalong, the modern language we study, which supports students to have the skills to communicate effectively with others both in school and the wider community.  All students work to gain accreditation for these skills in Key Stage 4, taking this learning journey further in Key Stage 5 as one of the options offered.

To support students to develop their Speaking, Listening and Social Communication skills through a variety of tasks and activities designed to enhance their communication skills, broaden their vocabulary, build and embed the student’s ability to use language in a socially meaningful way. The key aim is to support students to gain confidence, relevant skills and a desire to communicate with others and provide language for life and learning.  [Linked to individual student PLIMs targets.]  To support Year 9 students to consolidate and build core Signalong skills in preparation for starting Signalong formal accreditation of their skills in Key Stage 4. [Pre-Entry, Entry Level 1 and Entry Level 2.]

Curriculum Cover Sheets

KS3 Year 9 PoS + SoW.docx


  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
  Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2







Statistics/ Measure

Place Value and Fractions

Money and Time

Addition and Subtraction

Shape, Position and Direction

Multiplication and Division 

Data and Information

Length, Height, Weight, Capacity and Temperature

Curriculum Cover Sheets

Maths Curriculum Matrix

Maths KS3 PoS SOW Cover Page

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term

Religious Education


Christianity : The New Testament


Religious Education Curriculum Cover Sheets

Year 9


Year 9

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term


Black People of America

World War 1

World War 2 & Hitler

History Curriculum Cover Pages


History SOWCS
Year 9
Autumn 1 and 2
Black Peoples of America

History SOWCS
Year 9
Spring 1 and 2
World War 1

History SOWCS
Year 9
Summer 1 & 2
World War 2

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term



Plate Tectonics (WJEC)

Africa and Asia

aka: Deserts and Rainforest (WJEC)

Environmental Awareness

Geography Curriculum Cover Pages

Geography SOWCS Year 9 Autumn 1 Rocks


Year 9
Spring 1 & 2
Asia and Africa

Year 9
Summer 1 & 2
Environmental Awareness

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term


Learning Intention:
Roles and Responsibilities:
Characteristics of me.

What our characteristics are and what good/ bad characteristics are

Learning Intention: 
Active Citizen:
Make your views known

Being able to share their views on a variety of topics.

Learning Intention: 
Active Citizen:

Caring for the environment.


How to care for the environment and what are the benefits of recycling and what can we recycle. 

Learning Intention: 
Health and lifestyle:

Take your medicine

What medication is and some of the uses and the dangers of medication if not used correctly. To ensure pupils are kept safe and use medications appropriately.

Learning Intention: 
Health and lifestyle: Designing an energy bar.

How to keep a healthy lifestyle and what a healthy diet is.

Learning Intention: 
Health and Lifestyle
Agony Aunts

What makes you feel happy or sad and understanding our emotions. 

Learning Intention:
Wider Community
: Other people’s places

Where different locations are around the World and where people live.  To support pupils to understand that we live in a diverse multicultural society and people can move around the world

Learning Intention: 
Roles and Responsibilities:
Local jobs and houses

What local jobs are in the area and how to find out about these using the local newspaper / Internet

Learning Intention: 
Roles and Responsibilities
Job Search.

The types of jobs to do in the future and facts about different jobs. 

Curriculum Cover

Y9 Autumn 1

Y9 Autumn 2

Y9 Autumn 3

Y9 Spring 1

Y9 Spring 2

Y9 Spring 3

Y9 Summer 1

Y9 Summer 2

Y9 Summer 3

  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
  Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2



Properties and Changes of Materials

Periodic Table and Chemical Reactions


The Earth and Rocks


Living Things and Their Habitats

Life Processes


Control Systems

(Begin OCR accreditation)



Forces and Magnets


‘CSI Plus’: Evidence left at a crime

(Continuing OCR accreditation)

To recap safety in the Science Lab,describe the particle arrangement of solids, liquids and gases; to have an understanding of the Kinetic Theory. To gain a deeper understanding of the properties of the elements in the periodic elements including the ‘transition elements’. They will explore the factors that affect rates of a reaction and identify elements by using flame tests.

To gain an understanding of the Earth’s Tectonic Plates.To recall the names of types of rock; To learn about  the rock cycle and the different types of rocks in more detail and how they are formed.To extend their learning about the Earth’s resources and why we should  recycle the Earth’s natural resources. To grasp the concept of gravitational force; To calculate weight if the mass and gravitational force is given.To recap the planets and explore space exploration.

To recall the characteristics of living things, to prepare and look at slides of cells and become competent in using the microscope.: To recall the Skeletal and Muscular Systems,Nutrition, Digestion and Excretion.To gain a better understanding of  the importance of a good diet,respiration and to investigate the effects of exercise.To understand photosynthesis including the word equation for photosynthesis.

This topic  introduces students to the concept of balancing the body’s internal environment, in the contexts of body temperature, water level, and blood glucose level.

This is to help them understand that changes in our surroundings can affect our body’s internal environment.That the body’s internal environment can change and that the body tries to control this change, using temperature regulation as an example.

This topic introduces students to the concept of sound and the way sound is made through vibrations travelling as wavelengths. Pitch and volume is also explored as well how sound vibrations travel into the human ear.

The topic looks at different types of forces and their movements e.g push/pull/twist/bend.  Gravity and friction is studied and drawn as arrows on diagrams. Balanced/ unbalanced forces in diagrams are also looked at e.g floating and sinking..

 Students look at how magnets create a push or pull force through their opposite poles by attracting and repelling. Magnetic fields and their strengths are observed. Students test different materials for magnetism.

Know that anyone present at a crime scene will leave some evidence behind.Understand why crime scene investigators wear special clothing to avoid leaving evidence at a crime scene.Know how fingerprints can be removed from a surface.Know that blood contains red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma.Recall that the main blood groups are A, B, AB and O and know how chromatography can be used to separate colours in ink.

Curriculum Cover Pages

Year 9 - Autumn Term -Science SOW
Cover Sheets 
Year 9 - Spring Term Science SOW
Cover Sheets 
Year 9 - Summer Term
Science SOW
Cover Sheets
  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term


Online Safety / Social Networking



Movie Maker Project

Faking It / Design 

Faking It

Design a CD Cover

E Waste / ICT and Society 

Recycling and Infographic

The main aim of this unit is to expose students to E-Safety to protect them in their use of electronic technology. In practice, E-Safety is as much about behaviour as it is electronic security. 

Students will work through the unit completing focused activities in groups and independently to: familiarise themselves with being exposed to illegal, inappropriate or harmful material, and online interaction with other users.

With the continuing growth and use of the Internet, social networking sites and texting as a means of communication, it is essential that students are aware of potential risks to their safety and well being and of the steps that they can follow to reduce these risks.

Students will work through the unit completing focused activities in groups and independently to: familiarise themselves with being exposed to illegal, inappropriate or harmful material, and online interaction with other users.

During this unit, students are introduced to a range of ways to use creative software effectively. Students will consider different techniques for customising and improving images.  They will use graphics editing software to learn some of the more commonly used techniques in order to ‘improve’ the appearance various images. Use creative solutions to design their own album cover. Be exposed to Electronic waste, which is becoming a world-wide problem as many gadgets, computers and mobile phones are discarded simply because they are not the latest model.   

It is important that students have an awareness of ICT and technology in the real world. This project provides students with the opportunity to find out about such issues. They undertake their own research and then have to determine which of the information they find is relevant and accurate. 

Computing Curriculum Cover Pages Year 9 - Term 1- Computing SOW Cover Sheet.docx Year 9 - Term 2-
Computing SOW
Cover Sheet.docx
Year 9 - Term 3-
Computing SOW
Cover Sheet.docx
  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term

Resistant Materials

6 weeks taught on alternative carousel with 

Food Technology

Design, Make and Evaluate
Desk Tidy

Make a vacuum form shell ,battery powered car.

To Design and make a moving toy using cams and linkages.

This project is about manufactured wood boards  . Students will learn the difference between the different manufactured boards and their characteristics. Students will learn about MDF, and  plywood , and how to join it. They will also learn how to put a draw in one point perspective  . The project is a desk tidy.

This Unit will re-introduce students to  electronic components and build on yr 7 in the way they can be used to form a circuit and the development of soldering skills and design.

This unit will extend the students knowledge on mechanisms by using cams and linkages to design and make a moving toy. By investigating mechanisms and making a focused practical task of a cam and linkage toy.

Resistant Materials Curriculum Cover Pages Y9 Autumn Term - Project 1 Y9 Spring Term -
Project 2
Y9 Summer Term -
Project 3
  Autumn  Term Spring Term Summer Term

Food Technology

6 weeks taught on alternative carousels with Resistant Materials

Food Group - Cereals

Food Groups - Meat and Dairy

Design and Make a Family Meal

Students will be focusing on different parts of food groups over the years in 7,8 and 9. This term they will be focusing on cereals and grains. They will be learning about what these foods are and the importance they have on our diet. They will be learning about where these foods come from and the cycle of harvesting.  Students will also explore these foods by making a variety of dishes. They will have the opportunity to keep extending their culinary skills in their practical lessons.

Students will be focusing on different parts of food groups over the years in 7,8 and 9. This term they will be focusing on meat and dairy foods. They will be learning about what these foods are and the importance they have on our diet. They will be learning about where these foods come from and the different types of diets people may have - Vegetarians, Vegan - and what are the alternatives.  Students will also explore these foods by making a variety of dishes. They will have the opportunity to keep extending their culinary skills in their practical lessons while using these foods in this food group.

Students will have the opportunity to learn and extend their understanding of the different food groups and their importance in our diets. They will be doing this by focusing on the EatWell Plate. They will be looking at all the different food groups, the portion sizes and what makes up a well balanced meal. Students will have the opportunity to look at recipes that they would enjoy with their families with the focus of making it healthy. They will then design and make their meals and then evaluate to finish off the project.

Food Technology
Curriculum Cover Pages
Year 9 (Autumn) - FT SOW Cover Sheet Year 9 (Spring) - FT SOW Cover Sheet Year 9 (Summer) - FT SOW Cover Sheet
  Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term

Physical Education 


Tag Rugby

Trampolining - TBC


Ball Skills



Outdoor Walking

Cross Country

Indoor Athletics

Team Games: Winning & Losing


Tag Rugby


Ball Skills



Outdoor Walking

Cross Country

Balance & Co-ordination






The activities suggested vary in difficulty and teachers will select the appropriate ones for their group and differentiate accordingly. Learning within PE utilises spiral learning, so key concepts and skills are retaught each time to counter regression and then to increase difficulty.

Physical Education Curriculum
Cover Sheet

PE - Basketball 7-14 Autumn

PE - Football 7-11 Autumn

PE - Indoor Athletics - Autumn

PE - Team Games - Winning & Losing - Autumn

PE - Balance & Co-Ordination - Spring

PE - Ball Skills 7-14 Autumn_ Spring 

PE - Panathlon Sports 7-14 Autumn_ Spring

PE - Gymnastics 7-11 Autumn_ Spring

PE - Handball 7 - 11 Spring

PE - Fitness 7-14 Spring 

PE - Uni-Hoc 7 -11

PE - Cross Country 7-13 Autumn_ Summer

PE - Athletics 7-11

PE - Cricket 7-11 Summer

PE - Rounders 7-11 Summer

PE - Tag-Rugby 9-11 Autumn_ Spring 

PE - Trampolining 9-11 Autumn


Arts Carousel Key Stage 3:

Year 9


Art & Design


Learning Intention:  Graffiti Art

The Purpose of this Project is to develop pupil’s understanding that Art and Design has different audiences and can be perceived in different ways.  Art is not only found in galleries or in the Art room but in a range of locations in the community and wider world. This SoW is aimed at developing pupil’s ability to form more informed judgments and opinions on artwork by a range of Graffiti Artists including Keith Haring and Banksy. They  develop simple-line,  bold colours, observation, design and spray painting skills based on the Graffiti Art style. Pupils also begin to explore: Anti-discrimination statements, political messages and how Public Art can be both legal and illegal. They evaluate health and safety implications in using materials. They also gain opportunities to make links to their immediate environment and future workplace. Pupils are encouraged to question the status quo,  rationalise and debate their opinions, both political and artistic, to develop a wider world perspective. 

Art & Drama

Art & Design, Art and Drama and Dance are Taught on a termly rotating carousel -please speak to your child’s Form Tutor or contact the Arts Faculty Leader for further information

Learning Intention ’Exploring roles: Victims, Villains & Heroes!’

The purpose of this Scheme of work is to broaden pupils' understanding of character roles in Comics, Literature and Film. To develop their ability to identify meaningful qualities in others. Pupils learn to research Victims, Villains and Heroes and describe the Costumes accessories/gadgets, characters and their qualities. They are taught to explore empathy for how characters, both real and fantasy can be misunderstood e.g. Frankenstein's ‘Beast’. They improve communication, social interaction and decision making skills through Group and Teamwork. Pupils use computing/ICT and reading skills  to research and learn about Chadwick Boseman (the first Black Superhero/Lead Protagonist in a Hollywood Movie) and learn printmaking processes, then work together to create group designs i.e. posters or decorations for an event. This scheme of work provides opportunities to present and debate arguments from a range of social and moral issues including racial equality, awareness of stereotyping, and issues that affect the Film and Design industries. 

Art & Drama 
Cover Sheet

Year 9 Art & Drama Cover Sheet


Art & Design, Art and Drama and Dance are Taught on a termly rotating carousel -please speak to your child’s Form Tutor or contact the Arts Faculty Leader for further information

Learning Intention: Contemporary Dance

In this unit pupils learn to develop and be encouraged to work in a team, building on trust and developing skills to solve problems, either individually or as a group. This project focuses on the different ways to communicate through movement and expressing emotions. Students are encouraged to create dance routines using different emotions and to perform them using choreographic devices.

Dance Curriculum
Cover Sheets

Year 9 Dance Curriculum Cover Sheet



Year 9

Autumn Term - Spring Term 1 Spring Term 2 - Summer Term

Learning Intention:  ‘Music from different Cultures’

This unit explores music from around the world in more detail. The purpose of this Scheme of work is to provide Students with the opportunity to build on the knowledge they  learnt about ‘Music and Songs‘ from Different Countries in year 8 by developing their ability to play music using a range of appropriate instruments including Djembe drums and Keyboard. Pupils learn about West African Drumming from the Malian Empire, Chinese music and Indian Raga music.

Learning Intention:  ‘Pop Music’

The purpose of this unit is for pupils to explore the world of Pop music and their passion for music in greater depth to help develop their ability to play instruments. Students will look at mainstream ‘Pop’ artists from today and explore some of their own music interests. In this unit, students will build on their previous learnt keyboard skills and knowledge. They will  also explore a new instrument; the Ukulele; an instrument that is synonymous with Hawaii. Pupils will have the opportunity to develop their fine motor skills by learning how  to play different chords on the ukulele.

Music Curriculum
Cover Sheets
9.1 Music SOW cover sheet Year 9.2 Music SOW cover sheet


Enrichment runs Friday lesson 5 and 6 . During this time it allows students the opportunity to experience activities that are not usually available to them. It allows them to develop their own interests and hobbies that they can continue to access at home, in the community or as they move on to other settings. Our students will be mixing with peers outside of their tutor class and year groups so that they can make new friends and mix with a variety of students and different staff which will promote social skills, communication skills and coping with change. 

Most importantly, we are offering students a safe and secure environment to take on new opportunities with supportive staff relationships, so that they have the confidence to attempt new things.