

Welcome to the English Faculty page.


English Faculty Lead 
Mrs A Sugden

All that you need to know about our faculty is written in the pages to your right.  I hope that you enjoy finding out about us and the work that we do.  There are photographs and video clips of our students at work (they tell me that they always work hard, you can judge for yourself...) and there are also photographs of trips and visits that we have been on to help support the learning that happens in the classroom and make strong links with the world around us.

If you have any questions about the work of the English Faculty please feel free to contact me either by phone at school or by email at asugden@meadowhighschool.org

And finally...  Please find listed below some useful websites that you might like to explore.  The activities and games are designed as fun ways to help improve reading, writing, spelling and grammar skills.  Whilst our older students might enjoy working on these independently, our younger students would benefit from your support.  

Please note: It is very important that all students read regularly to help embed these important core skills. If you need any advice or help with this please feel free to ask; the first point of contact with this will be your child's form tutor. We also run Home Reading Support meetings, please look out for the next letter home/ information in the school’s newsletter or on our website.

Home Reading Support:

For great general information about how to support your child to develop their reading skills try www.bbc.co.uk/schools/parents/primary_support/

A great website to find inspiration for new books to try and also read what others thought of them try  www.lovereading4kids.co.uk/  OR  www.booktrust.org.uk/books/children/

Building Core Literacy Skills:

A lovely sight to try for engaging literacy games at a range of levels is - www.ictgames.com/literacy

Great resources for Early Years learners including stories to listen to and games to play - www.bbc.co.uk/learning/schoolradio/subjects/

For lots of fun games to enjoy including pirate spelling and alien punctuation try- www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks1/literacy/

For reading, writing, spelling and grammar at a higher level but still with a focus on fun try - www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/english/

English study support at a much higher level, fewer games I’m afraid but lots of helpful revision of English skills try - www.bbc.co.uk/education/subjects/z3kw2hv