Full Governing Body Information


Name Category Term & Start Date


Relevant Business, Financial and Family Interests

Mr Richard Burton

Co-opted Governor

Chair of Governors

Start date:
Term of office expires: 30.9.2026
Resources Committee
New Build Working Party

(H&S / Policies / GDPR)
Please refer to
Mr Burton's profile statement on the Governors' Profiles page


Ms C Caddell


Associate Governor*

Deputy Headteacher (Pathway 2 & 3)

* Associate Governors have no voting rights


Start date:
Sept 2023
Term of office:
Please refer to
Ms Caddell's profile statement on the Senior Leadership 
Team Page.
No relevant financial or business interests

Mr John Goodbody


Co-Opted Governor


Start date:
Term of office expires:
Resources Committee 
Achievement Committee
Named Governor for Safeguarding
Welfare & Therapy
Provision Map
Parent of a current pupil
Please refer to
Mr Goodbody's profile statement on the Governors' Profiles page.

Mrs Pauline Hardy

Co-Opted Governor

Start date:
Term of office expires:
Resources Committee
No relevant business or financial interests
Sister is an occasional supply teacher at the school.
Please refer to
Mrs Hardy's profile statement on the Governors' Profiles page.

Mr Phil Haigh

L.A. Governor


Start date:
Term of office expires:
Resources Committee (Chair)
New Build Working Party
Please refer to
Mr Haigh's profile statement on the 
Governors' Profiles page.

Mrs Bernice Hughes

Parent Governor

Start date: 

Term of office expires: 8.2.2025


Parent of a current pupil

No relevant business or financial interests.

Please refer to
Mrs Hughes' profile statement on the Governors' Profiles page.
Diversity Data:
White British

Mrs Kieran Kalia

Associate Governor*

* Associate Governors have no voting rights
Start date:
Term of office expires: 1.11.2024
Achievement Committee
Pupil Voice
EAL (English as an
Additional Language)
Racial Equality
Mrs Kalia has two daughters who work at the school as teachers.
Please refer to
Mrs Kalia's profile statement on the Governors' Profiles page.

Mrs Suman Kumar


Parent Governor


Start date:
Term of office expires:

Ms Louise O'Leary

Parent Governor

Start date:
Term of office expires: 12.7.2025


Parent / Carer of a current pupil
Please refer to
Ms O'Leary's profile statement on the Governors' Profiles page


Ms Juliette O'Loughlin


Parent Governor



Mrs Jennifer Rigby




Ex officio
Resources Committee
Achievement Committee
Please refer to
Mrs Rigby's profile statement on the Senior Leadership 
Team Page.

Miss M Taylor


Staff Governor

Assistant Headteacher, KS5

Start date:
Term of office expires:
Please refer to
Miss Taylor's profile statement on the Senior Leadership Team page

Mr Graeme Vickery

Vice-Chair of Governors

Co-opted Governor

Start date: 
Term of office expires:
Achievement Committee (Chair)
Deputy Named Governor for Safeguarding
No relevant business or family interests related to role as school governor.
Please refer to
Mr Vickery's profile statement on the Govornors' Profile page.
Diversity Data:
White British

Miss A Willis


Associate Governor*

Deputy Headteacher (Pathway 1)

* Associate Governors have no voting rights
Start date:
Term of office expires:
No relevant business or family interests related to role as an Associate Governor
Please refer to
Miss Willis' profile statement on the Senior Leadership 
Team Page.