Disabled Access & Accessibility Plan
- There are two safe crossing points at the front of the school. A zebra crossing and a pedestrian refuge.
- There are several marked blue badge parking bays in the school car park.
- There are dropped kerbs and sensory crossing strips in the car park.
- The school is fully wheelchair accessible with ramps installed between different level buildings and lifts in all two story buildings.
- Most external doors have touchpad opening. All doors that open outwards onto paths have barrier protection.
- For students with visual impairment there is high visibility paint on obstacles such as railing posts or lines painted on any change of ground levels. Also door frames and skirting boards are painted in high contrast colours to ensure visibility.
- Where pupils with a hearing impairment are able to use a Phonak or other device, the school ensures these are in place and used by the class teacher or person conducting the assembly.
- The school has several classrooms with small breakout rooms that pupils can use for calming and sensory purposes.
- Pupils who require Augmentative and Alternative Communication are assessed by our experienced Speech and Language Team and provided with the appropriate solution.
- Classrooms are fitted with height adjustable whiteboards to allow access for all pupils.
- All classrooms have two height adjustable desks.
- Seating is matched to pupils' height and where a more bespoke solution is required, this is assessed by the Occupational Therapy team.
- The school is a low arousel environment with muted colours and limited displays which are confined to designated display boards.
- Social and play spaces have a range of accessible equipment.
- For pupils requiring hoisting for personal care, we have a fully equipped hygiene room with a hoist, shower bed and accessible toilet.
- We have a team of experienced Occupational Therapists who work with the education team, pupil and family to overcome barriers to accessing education.
Please read the School Accessibility and Disability Plan on our Statutory Policies page of this website.