Sixth Form Art / GCSE Project Work - Week 9


Nature Project

Week 9

LO: Planning the final Piece

Week 9-6th Form Art/GCSE

A3 observational drawing and painting backgrounds to plan a final piece.

Next week you will create your final piece. Ideas should come from what you have done in your project so far. Pick a picture of an insect or an animal. This will be you main character for your final piece which you will make next week, you can also add other characters from your project.

Do 2x A4 Drawings of it 1 in pencil/colour pencil

1 using pencil and pen or paint


Week 9-6th Form Art/GCSE

Select the background- You will also need to plan your background ideas. Select the Background style you want style

Create 2 possible A3 background designs ready for next week. It would be good to use some paint but use the materials you have and that interest you.


More background ideas using watercolour wash

Background ideas river/lake scenes developing watercolour wash effects

Background ideas watercolour wash effects