How to become a Governor

If you are interested in becoming a Governor please contact the clerk. (details below).

When there is a vacancy for a

  • Parent Governor nominations will be requested in the school bulletin and details of the governor vacancy will appear on the school website . If necessary an election will be held with everyone with parental responsibility having one vote each. If no nominations are received the Governing Body may approach and appoint a parent with the required skill set.
  • Staff Governor all staff will be informed and invited to apply. If necessary an election will be held and all staff will have one vote each. If no nominations are received the Governing Body may approach and appoint a member of staff with the required skill set.
  • LA Governor the Local Authority will be informed by the clerk and they will nominate and appoint a candidate.
  • Co-opted Governor the Governing Body is responsible for identifying and appointing a candidate with the required skill set.

The Governing Body may also decide to appoint Associate Governors to the Full Governing Body or a Committee.

Russell Carpenter
Clerk to the Governors