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  • 26/03/24
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    Year 7 Trip to the Roald Dahl Museum

    In line with their current literary focus on "George's Marvellous Medicine," Year 7 students embarked on a trip to the Roald Dahl Museum. Travelling by coach, they were greeted by museum staff upon arrival. Led by a Learning Session Leader, students explored various sections of the mus...
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  • 26/03/24
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    Class IM Visit to Hounslow Urban Farm

    On Monday the 25th of March, Class IM went to Hounslow Urban Farm. The pupils enjoyed meeting a variety of animals including a tarantula, a tortoise, a cockroach and a mouse. They had the opportunity to stroke, hold and feed some of the animals. In the end, they had fun at the play area and enjoyed...
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  • 25/03/24
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    Residential Trip to Devon

    Last week, 32 pupils and staff attended a residential trip to The Calvert Trust in Exmoor. During the week, pupils participated in many different activities, which included canoeing, abseiling, horse riding, archery, crate stacking and biking! These activities provided pupils with the chance to...
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  • 22/03/24
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    World Down Syndrome Day - Lots of Socks 2024

    On Thursay 21 March 2024 we took part in World Down Syndrome Day - Lots of Socks Campaign 2024. Staff and pupils put on their brightest, most cheerful, colourful socks.            
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  • 22/03/24
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    Maths Week - Competition Winners

    Well done to all classes for taking part in MATHS WEEK 2024! The Maths themed 2D Shape designs were a huge success. Mrs Mistry had the difficult job of judging one winner per Key Stage.  Everyone had a great time planning and creating their shapes! Massive congratulation...
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  • 21/03/24
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    Boomerang Meet - March 2024

      We were pleased to welcome back some more of our previous students. It was great to hear all about Life After Meadow and how well everyone is getting doing.  We also enjoyed an Easter quiz and awarded Easter Eggs to our winners ! Thank you all. Mrs Fabisch & Ms Carter...
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  • 18/03/24
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    Pantathlon Xtend at Brunel

    Students participated in the Hillingdon Panathlon Xtend at Brunel University supported by the therapy team. Activities included volley bat, boccia blast, new age kurling, precision beanbag, ten pin topple and harlem hoops. Celeste & Graeme Occupational Therapists...
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  • 15/03/24
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    Comic Relief

    Last week we celebrated Red Nose Day, we had a whole school assembly, where we learnt about Red Nose Day and why it is celebrated, and enjoyed a yummy cake sale and dressed up in red (Non Uniform Day) . Our Head Students, Lazaro and Poppy, with the support of Yusef and Vinnay sold all o...
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  • 14/03/24
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    World Book Day Week and Careers Week 4-8 March 2024

    Across the school last week we celebrated World Book Day and, working with the Vocational Faculty and our Careers Team, explored ideas for life beyond Meadow.  Key providers kindly gave up time to come and meet our students, running talks and workshops to explain the skills and knowledge needed...
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  • 14/03/24
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    DFN Project Search Supported Internships at The Marriott - Open Day - 22 March 2024

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  • 08/03/24
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    World Book Day Week and Careers Week 4-8 March 2024

      WORLD BOOK DAY Week 4th – 8th March 2024 Celebrating Reading and National Careers Week Exploring the World of Work The students have had a really interesting week building their engagement with books whether this was disappearing into the world of stories [including l...
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  • 08/03/24
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    Scholastic Book Fair

      Scholastic Book Fair We were excited to run our first Scholastic Book Fair last week.  We enjoyed hosting families visiting to browse through the book selection on offer and it was also an opportunity for parents to meet up and take a few well-deserved minutes to enjoy refreshm...
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