Latest News

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  • 06/03/24
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    Year 7 Trip - Junior Citizens Day

    Year 7 attended the Junior Citizenship Event at Brunel University yesterday,  where they learnt about being a safe citizen in our local community. Talks and activities were given by the Metropolitan police, the road safety team from TfL and the RNLI. The year group were extremely sens...
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  • 09/02/24
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    Boomerang Club

    On the 6th February we enjoyed another Boomerang session.   Nine of our previous students returned, we had a catch up, played a game and shared a short tour of our school.   It was lovely to hear how everyone is doing and sharing their experiences.  Some of the feedb...
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  • 09/02/24
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    Valentines Day Sale

    Valentines Day Sale Sixth form students organised the Valentine's day sale on 05/02/2024 as part of their vocational pathways. Students raised £31.00 which will support buying items for future enterprise projects.   
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  • 01/02/24
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    Arts News - Sixth Form Drama Group Performance - December 2024

    Miss Kalia's 6th form Drama group performed their work to Mrs Rigby and staff before the Christmas break showcasing their hard work on voice work and monologues. The group had created their own story based around the characters from Stardust.  They wrote short monologues to perform wit...
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  • 01/02/24
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    Arts News - Year 10 Dance Options Performance - December 2023

    Miss Kalia's Year 10 Dance Options performed their rendition of the Nutcracker Remixed in the Pathway 1 assembly to showcase their learning from this term. They demonstrated some brilliant Ballet movement and all took the role of a character from the story.  The group then transitioned...
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  • 26/01/24
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    DFN Project Search Open Days

    Supported Internships at Marriott Hotel, Heathrow We are now recruiting for our September 2024 cohort. To read more about DFN Project Search click here  
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  • 26/01/24
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    Oasis Soft Play - Pupil Opportunity

    Oasis Soft Play Oasis Play has offered the opportunity for our students to attend and learn on-the-job skills, during their weekly Vocational Pathway and Work Experience placements. Oasis Play are supporting our students to develop their transferable skills and expand the oppo...
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  • 23/01/24
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    BOOMERANG CLUB ! Invitation to Meadow Leavers

    Boomerang Club! Meadow High invites all leavers to attend an informal catch up in the 6th Form Common Room  Tuesday 6th February 2024,  1.30pm to 2.30pm  Common room, catch up, drinks and a game of truth, truth and lie.  Thursday 21st March 2024, 9.30am to 11am...
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  • 12/01/24
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    Class SM and AP Trip To Whipsnade Zoo

    Class SM and AP Trip To Whipsnade Zoo Class SM and AP embarked on an awe-inspiring adventure at Whipsnade Zoo, filled with excitement and discovery despite the cold weather! They greeted curious crocodiles, made friends with gentle camels, marvelled at the colourful fluttering butterflies, and we...
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  • 21/12/23
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    Christmas Lunch Celebrations

    This week we had TWO Christmas Lunch celebrations. The pupils had a lovely Meat or Veg roast and enjoyed a disco afterwards, dancing to Christmas music and some pop classics! Wishing you a very Happy Holidays, keep safe and see you in the New Year! Mrs A Mistry - Assistant Head...
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  • 20/12/23
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    Emergency Contact Numbers / Out of School Hours / Help and Assistance Over The Holidays

    Dear Families May I wish you and your child a very happy, safe and trouble free holiday break. To support you should things not be going as you would hope, please see some useful information below. Mrs J Rigby Headteacher Worried about a child out of school hours...
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  • 20/12/23
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    Class DL Last Session at BCA

    Class DL Last Session at BCA  The students enjoyed a visit to the zoo, feeding the goats and enjoyed our lunch purchased from the BCA canteen.  We all really enjoyed our term at BCA , we are sure class AM will enjoy their experience next term too.  Miss Carter - KS5 Team...
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