Latest News

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  • 24/11/23
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    Children In Need Day

    Here are some photos of Children In Need Day last week.    Thank you for all the kind donations via Parent Pay.    
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  • 24/11/23
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    Friends of Meadow Quiz Night

    A fun evening of music and film quizzing took place last Friday evening to raise money for Friends of Meadow.    Over eighty people attended, and with the raffle as well we raised £428.03. Do you know your Disney characters ?   Do you know your Michael Jackson from...
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  • 24/11/23
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    Anti Racism Workshops

    On Wednesday 15th November we had Audrey Pantelis from Elevation Coaching and Consulting visit the school again to do her 2nd Anti-Racism workshop with our students.  She provided some really fun, engaging and thought provoking activities for all. The staff and students loved having her back...
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  • 10/11/23
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    Sixth Form Students Run A Tuck Shop

    Tuck Shop Sixth form students run a tuck shop at school during break time every Monday and Friday as part of their vocational pathways. Students prepare and serve hot food/drinks under the close supervision of school staff.   Ms S Kabhoo Job Coach  
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  • 10/11/23
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    Class JE Visit to Whipsnade Zoo

    Class JE (Pathway 1) went to Whipsnade Zoo on Thursday 9th November. We enjoyed looking at all of the animals from Asia, Africa and Europe, and we will be writing about them in our English writing coursework towards our Entry Level certificates. We particularly enjoyed looking at the giraffes, eleph...
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  • 10/11/23
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    Year 8 Visit to Whipsnade Zoo

    Year 8's all went to Whipsnade Zoo on Monday as part of their learning on Frozen and Desert landscapes in Geography. The weather was very kind to us, albeit a little chilly. Students reported that 'It's so cool here', 'I have never seen a camel so close before' and '...
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  • 10/11/23
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    Head Students 2023 2024

    Exciting news from KS5 !  Our Head Students have been voted in and are now in their roles. Well done Poppy, Lazaro and all who were nominated.   Congratulations ! Miss Carter Team Leader, KS5  
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  • 03/11/23
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    This Week There Have Been Halloween Events and Activities In The Library and Around School

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  • 02/11/23
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    Autumn Art - Class JR

    In Art, Class JR have been making Autumn and Halloween prints. We are really pleased with how they turned out and wanted to share some pictures with everyone.
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  • 27/10/23
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    German School from Hannover Visits Meadow High School / London!

    Just before the end of half-term, as a part of an international exchange program, a school from Germany visited Meadow High School.  During this visit, some of our students had the opportunity to take part in some collaborative activities. We were very excited to visit The Cutty Sark Maritim...
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  • 20/10/23
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    Show Racism The Red Card

    Today in school we had a non-uniform day.  We wore red to "Show Racism The Red Card".    
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  • 19/10/23
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    Anti-Racism Coffee Morning

    Anti-Racism Coffee Morning Last Friday, 13 October, we held our first coffee morning with Audrey Pantalis.  This was a great opportunity for parents and carers to meet Audrey.   Audrey was able to explain her role within the School and the work that has already...
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