Pathway 1 - KS4 and KS5 Activities

Last week, our on-site KS4 and KS5 students enjoyed a fruitful culinary experience, preparing wholesome meals with fresh ingredients, and avoiding processed foods.

With summer approaching, they eagerly seized the opportunity to learn the art of crafting their own barbecues. Additionally, they demonstrated a commendable commitment to environmental sustainability by reducing landfill waste through the use of reusable bags during shopping for ingredients, as well as opting for reusable cutlery, plates, and cups. However, they encountered a challenge with excessive packaging from stores, limiting their options for ingredient selection. Despite their best efforts, they could only find onions with packaging. We encourage stores like Tesco to offer more package-free options for ingredients, thereby supporting our students’ commitment to reducing waste and promoting sustainability. 

Throughout the week, we thoroughly enjoyed observing our students to develop their social, community, and life skills in preparation for their life after Meadow.

Mrs Majidi and Miss Popov
Pathway 1 Teachers