Year 10 - Visit to Brompton Bicycle Factory


Last week, 10LC visited Brompton bicycle factory in Greenford as part of the employer encounter benchmark (GB6). Students had a great opportunity to meet Brompton staff and tour the factory. All students actively participated in a team-building activity led by Brompton volunteers. During the tour, students were fascinated to see the whole bicycle manufacturing process, the variety of job roles and how each staff is skilled to do their job.

Students were given a demonstration on how to fold the bicycles correctly and were given the opportunity to experience these bicycles by folding and riding them. All students showed a great level of interest during this visit by asking so many relevant questions and sharing their own experiences with the Brompton staff. Many thanks to MHS staff who supported this trip, Brompton management and volunteers, Inspiring the future and EDT to make this visit enjoyable, educational and memorable!

Mrs S Kabhoo
Job Coach

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