Pathway 1
Students who work in Pathway 1 in Key Stage 3 and 4 will usually transition into a Pathway 1 in Sixth Form class. Pupils from outside Pathway 1 may also join as it is felt they would benefit from a curriculum focused on key life skills, including learning basic skills around the home and learning to travel safely in the wider community.
In preparation for adulthood and life beyond Meadow, young people will be supported to develop by following a bespoke life skills curriculum with a focus on supporting our young people so they can achieve positive outcomes in adult life. We aim to provide a curriculum which meets all needs and stretches each individual pupil.
Throughout their time in Sixth Form, pupils and families have access to support and advice from an independent careers advisor. This information will help inform the next transition for pupils when moving on from Meadow High School.
The curriculum aims to develop the skills necessary for pupils to live as independently as possible. Teaching is largely based around applying knowledge and being able to generalise skills in various settings and situations. Developing and securing life skills are a major focus, this includes self help, personal care, cooking, and travel. We have a studio apartment set up for use in school, which gives pupils real life experience of the daily tasks needed such as cleaning, food preparation, using a washing machine and so forth. The curriculum is largely based in the community where pupils learn to travel safely and have opportunities to experience and explore the facilities in the local area and beyond. We also have work experience opportunities for some pupils where they can experience some level of work in a local care home.
We are committed to developing each pupil and giving them the skills needed to support them after they leave Meadow. We run an enrichment program following the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. This allows all pupils to try new activities, learn new skills and volunteer to help others and the local area.
The curriculum is focused on a spiral model, where skills are revisited and built upon and each pupil works at the level suitable for them whilst always being encouraged to push themselves to experience and develop themselves.