What is the 6th Form Committee?
The 6th Form Committee are a group of elected students from all 6th Form tutor groups. These members are elected in September each year and act as a bridge between students and staff.
What happens at 6th Form Committee meetings?
Members of the committee gather opinions, ideas and concerns from students in their tutor groups and bring these to Committee meetings. These happen once every half term. At meetings, the committee are informed of upcoming events and asked for their ideas. Each member has a chance to share their views and bring forward any points from their tutor groups. These suggestions are then discussed with the appropriate staff members and implemented. Any concerns are also shared with senior staff and site managers. We try our best to take on board students' ideas and where possible carry these out.
6th Form Committee Meeting Minutes
12 June 2023
In attendance: Rokas, Ben, Meereen, Connor, Elijah, Jasmin, Ms Carter, Ms Fabisch &
Mrs Lazarevic.
Issues or Concerns:
- TV broken in the common room , can this be replaced.
- Can Switch games be added to Jack Petchey list.
- Can we look at fans or AC for classrooms?
Any other business
- Leavers assembly - letters sent home.
- BBQ - Activities TBC
Suggestions BBQ at lunchtime then possibly music , band, quiet room , common room and games on the field.
- Prom - 13th July Plans TBC , it will be slightly different this year due to build works.
Students would still like slushy, chocolate fountain and the prom shop available.
- Pasta King - To be served in 6th form, also could we have cheese or veg as an option.
Mrs Fabisch will check and keep us updated.
- Ms Taylor to be invited to BBQ , Prom & Leavers assembly.
Next meeting will be late September.
Thank you,
6th Form Committee Minutes
Date of Meeting: 19th May 2022
Attended: Mrs Mayall, Ricky, Grace, Farhan, Shams, Caleb, Mehreen, Lucas, Josh, Marcus
Absent: None
Apologies: None
Minutes and Action
KM explained upcoming events:
Queen’s Jubilee Party - 27th May
KM explained that this will be a street party with old fashioned games from the time of the coronation.
KM explained that we will have donated food from some local companies and our kitchen will make other food for the party.
KM set a task for the committee - take photos using your tutor’s IPAD of your class on the day! Try to get photos with some of the food donated to show our appreciation of these companies.
Transition breakfasts - Friday 10th and 24th June for 11BA, Friday 17th and 1st July for 11JT
- The committee agreed that these were very positive last year and supported learners in transitioning from Year 11 to 6th Form. KM explained that classes would be told which days they need to support and that 6th form students are expected to be welcoming and kind as this can be a difficult time for some students.
Prom - 14th July
- KM explained that this would need a separate meeting as there will be a lot to discuss! This will be held after half term.
6th Form BBQ - 12th July
- This will be held on 12th July and the committee requested that this be in the quad area as we have nice new furniture now. KM to speak to Ms Carter and Miss Taylor.
- Grace mentioned that in Mrs Rigby’s assembly she had said that the field was being tidied up so might not be available for events.
- Farhan requested that we use picnic blankets to sit on again.
- The committee agreed that £1-£1.50 is a good price.
- Everyone thought Mrs Fabisch’s cooking and Crunchy Munchies helping to buy the food worked really well last year. KM to speak nicely to Mrs Fabisch!
- Could we invite ex-students? KM to speak to Miss Taylor.
FOM Picnic - 8th July
- KM explained the Friends of Meadow would like to support the 6th Form with a picnic!
- All members were happy about this and said it was a nice idea.
- Location still needs to be decided. Date likely to be 8th July.
- games outside, like rounders and football would be fun too.
3K run/walk - 29th June
- KM explained that we always have a 3k run/walk to raise funds for Steel Bones.
- This will be 29th June.
- Some members were interested in taking part and wanted to sign up!
Brighton trip for Year 14 & Leavers assembly
- We ran out of time to discuss these! To be discussed in the next meeting.
- Year 14 tutor groups will be emailed information about the trip.
KM has been passed some suggestions for the 6th Form committee to discuss:
- Should Head pupils hold regular meets with prefects and buddies to support them in learning their duties?
Committee thought yes, this would help in supporting prefects and buddies when they’re new to the job.
Mrs Rigby asked that the committee look through the school’s Vision and Aims and add or change if necessary.
- We read through the school’s vision and aims. All members agreed that these were well written but adapted some sentences. Shams particularly thought the second aim ‘ Meadow will be a safe, welcoming environment which celebrates diversity’ was a very important aim.
- We then talked through each of the school’s promises. Committee members discussed what each one means to them and their understanding.
- The last 2 promises were a little long so the committee thought we should shorten them.
AOB (Any other Business)
Next meeting will be after May half term 2022.
Minutes of the Sixth Form Committee
Date of Meeting: 2nd March 2022
Attended: Mrs Mayall, Ms Carter, Ms Taylor, Grace, Paige S, Daisy, Bailey, Lazaro, Stacey, Caleb, Ilham
Absent: None
Apologies: None
Minutes and Action
KM explained upcoming events up until Easter:
Red Nose Day – Friday 18th March
Points discussed:
- Non-uniform day – Students will be asked to wear red but would not be charged as we are asking for many donations at the moment. People can make donations if they’d like to.
- Activities requested for tutor groups. These will be sent out by KM so that tutor groups can complete activities in the afternoon.
- Virtual assembly requested. KM to organise and ask Mr Rainsbury to host.
- Ilham asked about a football tournament. The committee discussed the weather and said that if it is drier and less muddy, we could do this. Ilham would help KM organise. If it cannot happen because of the weather, we can do this in the summer term.
Easter activities – Wednesday 30th March
- Ms Carter mentioned that Friends of Meadow are happy to donate some prizes for us to run some competitions for Easter.
Ideas included:
- Stacey suggested a name the bunny/teddy competition.
- Scavenger hunt, where students would need to take selfies around school of specific things.
- How many eggs in the jar.
- Design a chocolate bar wrapper competition.
- Easter Egg hunt – letters have already gone out. The committee may be asked to support with this.
- Lazaro suggested having a piñata for students. We discussed health and safety and how this would be managed. Also discussed how well behaved some students may be if give a stick to hit a piñata with. This excellent idea needs some more thought before we can put it into practise.
Opinions on school lunches
- All members mentioned the distance to the main hall from 6th Form. KM and MT explained that this could not be changed but that when the new building is complete, we would have a shorter distance to walk.
- All members thought we should have larger portions.
- Suggestions for menu choices – kebabs, halal options, stir fry.
- More cake as it’s delicious! E.g., Apple & Pear crumble, cookies.
- Favourite dishes – spaghetti bolognaise, fish and chips, sausage and mash.
- Could we have sauces? KM and MT explained that as part of healthy schools programme we do not offer salt and sauce as they contain a lot of salt and sugar.
AOB (Any other Business)
- Bailey mentioned that the water machine in the common room is broken. This will be reported to Jack and Jordan.
- The clocks need synchronising in all classrooms – there are different times everywhere! Staff/Vocational Pathways will be asked to check their clocks and put them to the correct time.
- Could we have more air fresheners around/in the toilets in 6th Form. This will be reported to Jack and Jordan.
- Could assemblies move to Fridays? KM explained that assemblies may be on a Wednesday for a reason that fits with the rest of school. SLT will be asked about this.
Next meeting will be after Easter break 2022.
PDF: Minutes - 2/3/2022