Positive Behavior Support
We believe that parents have a vital role in working with us to promote good behaviour.
Please help us by encouraging your child in the following ways:
- listening to your child read at home;
- helping your child to do his/her homework;
- praising your child when he/she does well;
- ensuring that your child is fully prepared for school in the morning with school uniform and the correct equipment for the days activities.
- liaising with your child’s tutor by making contact when you have any concerns.
- attending Annual Reviews.
- supporting Friends of Meadow.
- attending the Parents drop-in afternoon.
Schools are required to have a written home-school agreement. It is meant for all parents and pupils of compulsory school age. The purpose of this agreement is to identify the aims and values of the school. It also attempts to make clear the school’s responsibilities and what the school wants from its students.
Our home –school agreement is called PACT to emphasis how parents, children and teachers can work together as partners in the education being provided at Meadow High School. It has been agreed, following consultation with parents and staff, so that everyone knows what is expected of them. As PACT makes clear, these expectations are related to various aspects of school life.
We believe our PACT expresses the value of a long and happy partnership. Our school motto suggests, by achieving together, we can do our best to provide a high standard of education for your child at Meadow High School.
It is Meadow High School’s intention to develop attitudes and ways of behaving which respect individuals regardless of their ability, colour, gender or social circumstances. The school is opposed to any form of discrimination and it seeks to ensure through a partnership with students, staff, governors, staff and parents that fairness, respect and being valued are important within the school and the community.
Special medical requirements may be met after agreeing a protocol between parents/carers.
Students may bring prescribed medication into school whether it be for a long or short term usage. However, we do require parents to complete a form should this be necessary.
Antibiotics will only be given if required dosage is four times a day.
Asthmatic children must keep a preventative (blue) inhaler in school at all times.
No medicines of any type can be given without parental consent
Meadow High School is totally opposed to bullying in any of its forms and it will not be tolerated in school.
We are committed to provide a caring, friendly and safe environment for all our students so they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere.
Parents and families have an important role to play in helping to deal with bullying.
An updated Anti-Bullying Policy is available from the office or can be downloaded here:
PDF: Meadow High School Anti Bullying Policy
Smoking is strictly forbidden for all students. Governors, Staff and Parents are requested to refrain from smoking in all areas of the school.