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- Meadow High School Annual Governance Statement 2017 2018
Meadow High School Annual Governance Statement 2017 2018
Meadow High School Governing Body
Annual Governance Statement
2017 - 2018
School Name: Meadow High School
School Address: Royal Lane, Hillingdon, Middlesex, UB8 3QU
Telephone number: 01895 443310
Contact email address: meadow@meadowhighschool.org
Website: www.meadowhighschool.org
Category of school: Community Special Needs
DfE number: 3127004
Ofsted grading and date of last inspection: Good (May 2018)
Name of Head teacher: Jenny Rigby
Date of Statement: July 2018
The core functions of the governing body
As defined by the Department for Education (DfE) in The School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013, the core functions of the governing body include:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and
- Ensuring the sound, proper and effective use of the school’s financial resources.
In exercising their functions the Governing Body shall
- Act with integrity, objectivity and honesty and in the best interests of the school; and
- Be open about the decisions they make and the actions they take and in particular shall be prepared to explain their decisions and actions to interested parties.
Legal constitution of the governing body
Total number of governor posts on the Governing Body
Twelve |
The Governing Body was formally constituted on
13th April 2015 |
Category of Governor |
Name |
Term of Office Ends or Ended |
Relevant business & pecuniary interests |
Governance role in another school or college |
Material relationships between governors or with school staff |
Parent / Co-opted |
Chris Edwards |
31/12/17 |
Coteford Junior School |
Bishop Ramsey Academy |
None |
Parent |
Ricky Mills |
30/04/20 |
None |
None |
None |
Parent |
Huma Mirza |
23/05/20 |
None |
None |
None |
Parent |
John Goodbody |
09/10/21 |
None |
None |
None |
Parent |
Sabih Khan |
09/10/21 |
None |
None |
None |
Staff (Headteacher) |
Ross Macdonald |
Ex-officio (Retired 31/12/17) |
None |
None |
None |
Staff (Headteacher) |
Jenny Rigby |
Ex-officio (Appointed 01/01/18) |
None |
None |
None |
Staff |
Sana Bhopal |
30/09/19 |
None |
None |
None |
Local Authority |
Paul Rosen |
15/12/18 |
None |
i. Westfield Academy ii. Bowmansgreen Primary School iii. Yeading Infants School |
None |
Co-opted |
Kiran Kalia |
01/11/20 |
None |
None |
Mother of teachers Ms Kalia and Mrs Shukla |
Co-opted |
Pauline Hardy |
30/06/22 |
None |
None |
Sister of teacher Mrs Terry |
Co-opted |
Graeme Vickery |
20/09/22 |
None |
None |
None |
Co-opted |
Phil Haigh |
08/02/22 |
None |
i. Cherry Lane Primary School ii. Schools Forum iii. High Needs Group iv. DSG/EY Funding Group |
None |
Co-opted |
Richard Burton |
20/09/22 |
None |
None |
None |
The Chair of Governors is |
Richard Burton |
The Vice Chair of Governors is |
Graeme Vickery |
The Clerk to Governors is |
Gill Duncan |
How the Governing Body delegates and distributes its duties
The Governing Body agreed to form a Resources Committee and an Achievement Committee. This is reviewed annually.
Resources Committee |
Achievement Committee |
Committee membership details A minimum of five governors including the Headteacher. The Deputy Headteacher is invited to attend. |
Committee membership details A minimum of four governors including the Headteacher. The Deputy Headteacher is invited to attend. |
Remit of committee and key delegated duties See the Terms of Reference |
Remit of committee and key delegated duties See the Terms of Reference |
Number of meetings held in academic year Four |
Number of meetings held in academic year Five |
Specific panels of the Governing Body are convened as required for
- School Complaints
- Staff Grievance and Discipline
- Staff Contract Reviews
- Pupil Discipline
- Appeals
The Governing Body delegates some specific functions to some governors covering specific areas of school life. These governors are known as Link Governors. Our school has the following link governors:
Area of responsibility |
Named Governor |
Number of visits to school in this role in academic year |
Safeguarding Lead |
Graeme Vickery |
Two |
Safeguarding Deputy |
John Goodbody |
One |
Looked After & Previously Looked After Children |
Graeme Vickery |
One |
Health & Safety |
Ricky Mills |
One |
Student Voice |
Graeme Vickery |
One |
6th Form and 19-25 Provision |
Graeme Vickery |
Two |
Pupils with English as an Additional Language |
Kiran Kalia |
Two |
Careers |
Kiran Kalia |
One |
Single Central Register |
Graeme Vickery |
Two |
Curriculum |
Huma Mirza |
One |
Governing Body and Committee Meeting Attendance
Full Governing Body Dates and Attendance |
Governors |
Autumn Term 18/09/17 |
Autumn Term 13/11/17 |
Autumn Term 07/12/17 |
Spring Term 15/01/18 |
Spring Term 08/02/18 |
Spring Term 12/03/18 |
Summer Term 21/05/18 |
Summer Term 25/06/18 |
Chris Edwards
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Apologies given and accepted |
Ricky Mills |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Apologies given and accepted |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Huma Mirza |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Apologies given and accepted |
Apologies given and accepted |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
John Goodbody |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Sabih Khan |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Apologies given and accepted |
Attended |
Attended |
Did not attend |
Attended |
Ross Macdonald (Headteacher) |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Jenny Rigby (Headteacher) |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Sana Bhopal |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Paul Rosen |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Apologies given and accepted |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Karin Kalia |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Apologies given and accepted |
Apologies given and accepted |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Apologies given and accepted |
Attended |
Pauline Hardy |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Graeme Vickery
Apologies given and accepted |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Apologies given and accepted |
Richard Burton |
Apologies given and accepted |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Phil Haigh |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Resources Committee Meetings Dates and Attendance |
Governors |
Autumn Term 11/09/17 |
Autumn Term 27/11/17 |
Spring Term 12/03/16 |
Summer Term 21/05/15 |
Chris Edwards (Chair until 27/11/172017)
Attended |
Attended |
Ross Macdonald (Headteacher)
Attended |
Attended |
Jenny Rigby (Headteacher)
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Paul Rosen (Chair from 27/11/17)
Apologies given and accepted |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
John Goodbody |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Attended |
Sabih Khan |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Did not attend |
Graeme Vickery |
Apologies given and accepted |
Richard Burton
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Pauline Hardy
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Ricky Mills
Attended |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Attended |
Phil Haigh
Attended |
Attended |
Achievement Committee Meetings Dates and Attendance |
Governors |
Autumn Term 02/10/17 |
Spring Term 15/01/18 |
Spring Term 26/02/18 |
Summer Term 23/04/18 |
Summer Term 08/05/18 |
Graeme Vickery (Chair)
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Ross Macdonald (Headteacher)
Attended |
Jenny Rigby (Headteacher)
Attended |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Attended |
Sana Bhopal
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Apologies given and accepted |
Ricky Mills
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Huma Mirza |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Apologies given and accepted |
Attended |
Attended |
Karin Kalia |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Apologies given and accepted |
Apologies given and accepted |
Apologies given and accepted |
John Goodbody |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Attended |
Richard Burton |
Attended |
Phil Haigh |
Attended |
Apologies given and accepted |
Governing Body effectiveness and impact
Governors are aware of the school systems for tracking pupil’s progress and achievements and receive regular updates on pupil performance including those pupils who are not making expected progress.
IMPACT: Governors have challenged under performance leading to a review of data systems to capture more holistic pupil progress.
There are special interest roles for Governors including: Achievement Committee; Resources Committee; 6th Form and 19-25 Provision; Careers; Health & Safety; Safeguarding Lead; Safeguarding Deputy; Single Central Register; Looked After & Previously Looked After Children; Curriculum; Student Voice; Pupils with English as an Additional Language; Multi-Disciplinary Team and GDPR.
IMPACT: Governors have ensured they are able to carry out their statutory duties in relation to key priority areas.
Governors meet with key staff who provide them with updates and information about their area of responsibility. This happens both at Governing Body meetings, Sub-committees, Governor in School days and through pre-arranged meetings. An example of these key staff are: Data and Assessment Manager; Transition Coordinator; Assistant Head teachers; Faculty Leaders; CLA and PCLA coordinator. These updates and meetings allows Governors to have an understanding and overview of key aspects of the school.
IMPACT: Governors have had a deeper understanding of key roles and functions within the school allowing them to ask more challenging questions and follow up on Governance or standards issues.
Governors ensure all aspects of Teacher performance management are met. Governors formally sign off the Head teachers and teaching staffs performance management, ensuring that progression matches results.
IMPACT: Governors have ensured that Leadership and Teaching remain effective.
Governors are trained in a variety of key activities including: Safeguarding; Safer Recruitment; PREVENT and Health & Safety. Governors also undertake training from Governor Support Services ensuring full understanding and knowledge of current requirements.
IMPACT: Governors have been able to carry out their duties confidently and in line with guidance.
Governors have overseen the management of school finances, remaining within budget and meeting the objectives of the School Improvement Plan.
IMPACT: Governors have ensured that Meadow High School has remained financially solvent during a changeover period to Education Health Care Plans.
Governors check all policies are current and compliant.
IMPACT: Governors have ensured that the Governance Policies of Meadow High School meet statutory requirements and those of the school.
Governors have recruited a new Head teacher, Deputy Head and have restructured the leadership team to include two new roles, Assistant Head Thematic and Lead Practitioner.
IMPACT: Governors have ensured that the new configuration and staffing of the Leadership team will ensure effective development in key areas.
Find out more about our school...
- Link to Ofsted report
- Our school's Ofsted data dashboard can be found at http://dashboard.ofsted.gov.uk/
- Link to school's website www.meadowhighschool.org
Link to school's pupil premium statement
www.meadowhighschool.org/key information/pupil premium
- Link to Parent View which seeks parents' opinions on 12 aspects of our school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. https://parentview.ofsted.gov.uk/
The Governing Body can be contacted about this statement by enquiring through the school office. 01895 443310