Pathway 1
Miss Bonnar, Faculty Lead for Pathway 1 has put together the following list of activity suggestions and websites. Whilst they were written with Pathway 1 pupils in mind, they may also be suitable for other pupils.
Alternative extended learning ideas
This is a list of ideas, some of which may help you and your child when not at school. Activities are only suggestions so please change and adapt them to suit the needs of your child.
Read or be read a variety of books.
Listen to audio books
Once read answer questions about the story.
Practice drawings to match scenes from the story.
Sequence the story
Retell the story.
Keep a daily diary
Create presentation on you favourite things to share when you next see your friends
Game - I went shopping and I bought (name a food item beginning with a) The second player then says I went shopping and bought (adds in the first item and their own starting with b) And so on until you make it through the alphabet.
Find household objects and research with your family how it has changed over time (phones, ovens, kettle, toys etc)
Play in the garden
Grow a plant
Cook/bake together
Play catch
Make obstacle course
Clean bedroom
Watch a documentary
Watch and discuss Newsround
Play a board game as a family
Arts and Crafts
Sort recycling
Play phonics games on the computer
Play Maths games on the computer
Sorting and matching letters from different newspapers, magazines etc.
Weather diary
Science based
Build a container for an egg that protects it from breaking and then test it out by dropping it from on high
Change how an egg floats or sinks in a glass by adding salt to the water.
Close eyes and hold their nose and see if they can still identify foods by taste.
Make and play with Oobleck -
Simple sensory bottles/jars - oil, water, food dye in plastic bottle or jar
Make a board game
Make video diary