Wk 12/13 Themed Activities 6 July - 17 July 2020 World Of Work

Here are some tasks we hope you will enjoy.  Please scroll down and select the tasks appropriate to your child.  

BLUE COLOURED TASKSare aimed at Pathway 1 pupils as well as pupils who prefer more interactive activities and require a higher level of support.

GREEN COLOURED TASKS - are aimed at pupils in the main body of the school.

PURPLE COLOURED TASKS - are aimed at pupils who would enjoy more of a challenge


If you prefer, you can download and print off the sheets by clicking on the attachments at the bottom of the page.

World of Work

Aims:  These tasks are designed to be done with your child. Blue coloured tasks are aimed at Pathway 1 pupils as well as pupils who prefer more interactive activities and require a higher level of support. These are tasks we hope you will enjoy, please select the ones you feel are most appropriate for your child.


Literacy Focus

Building comprehension and language skills talking about, noticing same and different and stating yes or no. Reading practise [widget supported], initial letter sounds work and fine motor skills.








Speaking, Listening & Communication, Reading and Writing:

Resources: powerpoints:
W9 WoW Vet Story + Tasks BLUE as
W9 WoW Farmers Life + Tasks BLUE as

- youtube links in the powerpoints, 2 x signed stories on video Bella Visits the Vets and A Farmer’s Life For Me.

No internet, no problem - stories and tasks all on the powerpoints.




Youtube clip: Bella Visits The Vets (signed story)


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Youtube Clip: A Farmers Life For Me (signed story)


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Maths Focus



Look at the image below and answer the questions


  • How many workers wear white uniforms?
  • How many workers use a stethoscope?
  • How many workers wear hi-vis jackets?
  • How many workers work in a hospital?
  • How many workers work in a school?
  • Do you know any more jobs that people do?
  • What job would you like to do when you grow up?

Watch the video with the meteorologist explaining the weather on
Monday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSHNkT-V7LY

  • What was the temperature in Newcastle?
  • What was the temperature in Manchester?
  • What was the temperature in London?
  • Compare your answers above. What city was the coldest? (lower temperature=colder)
  • Compare your answers above. What city was the hottest? (higher temperature=hotter)


  • Search online for the weather forecast in the next few days https://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/2643743
    • What’s the temperature today? How does it feel?
    • Can you spot the days with the highest temperatures?
    • Can you sport the days with the lowest temperatures?
    • Compare the temperatures in the morning, afternoon and
      evening. When does the temperature drop? When does the temperature rise?
  • Imagine yourself being a cashier in a supermarket. Look at the
    prices of the vegetables and answer the questions
    • How much does the cucumber cost?
    • How much do the peppers cost?
    • Which vegetables have the same price?
    • Can you calculate the total cost of all items? (if you need help,
      use a calculator)
    • How much change would you get from a £5 note?

  • £1.50 peppers
  • 50p lettuce
  • 50p cucumber


  • Look at the foods below and answer the questions
    • What food is the cheapest?
    • Which food is the most expensive?
    • How much do the crisps and the chocolate bar cost
    • How much does everything cost? (if you need help, use a
    • A customer pays with £10, how much change would you get?


  • Bread £1.10
  • Chocolate bar 60p
  • Crisps 25p



Science Focus


ASTRONOMER - Astronomers are scientists who study the universe, its objects and how it works.

Task:Solar System Hat Activity - Create a solar system hat with planets in the correct order


Key Words: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

Equipment: Card, Paper, Colours, Glue, Scissors


Cut out the planets in the template and stick on your card. Tape the ends together and wear your hat!

Use the planet template provided in the links or draw your own!

Remember to use the correct colours for the planets and make you stick them in the correct order.




Questions: Using your hat answer the following questions:

•What planet is closest to the sun?

•What planet do we live on?

•What is the name of the biggest planet?

•Which planet has rings around it?

•How many planets are there in our solar system?

•What colours did you use to colour Earth?

•What do these colours represent?

(Answers: Mercury, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, 8, Blue and Green, Land and Sea)




Task: Healthy Lunch - In the world of work it is essential to keep your energy up through breaks and lunch. Therefore it is important that children know what a healthy lunch is and this resource is ideal for teaching them about making healthy choices. The children will cut out the foods and stick them in the lunch box to show what they think a healthy lunch is.

Attached: PDF -  Healthy Eating Lunch Activity - BlueHealthy Eating Lunch Activity - Blue

Task: Fruity Sundae Recipe - A sweet and fruity treat for a boost at lunchtime - yoghurt swirled with mashed strawberries, topped with berries.

Link: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/fruity-sundae


Drama / Arts /



Task Focus: Drama Can you act out a job?



Information: Many people like to do active jobs, Postman and Builders are very active. Can you think of actions that they do? What other jobs can you think of?

Step 1 watch Bob the builder and Postman Pat.

Try acting out some jobs

Step 2. Look in your clothes for the costume, what can you use?

Step 3.  Make a hat/headband using the link and resource pack

Step 4  play the drama game-


Take turns to act out your job, then try and act different jobs, see if the others can guess the job.

Task Helpful link to follow:

Bob the builder clip:

Postman pat clip:

You will need:

-Print outs
-Colouring pencils

To make a work hat/headband you will need to watch the clip:


You can print the PDF from the attached headband PDF resources or draw your own.


  • Print
  • Colour all the images on the page.
  • Cut along dashed lines. You will have 2 pieces.
  • Attach the 2 pieces together on both sides with tape or staples to make a crown-style hat.

Keywords: Doctor, Nurse, Fire fighter, Police, Pilot, Chef, Construction, Detective, Postman, Farmer.

Other optional ideas for wider learning:



Health & Wellbeing 

Physical Activity


The PE staff are uploading videos of circuits training or challenges every week. Have a look at this week’s videos and have a go.



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ThisIsPE: Updated 3 times a week. Fun and easy activities to be done at home. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=thisisPE

Using ideas from the “This is PE” link, try and create your own game using things you can find at home. Write down the rules and play with your family. If you can, upload to Twitter and tag “@MeadowPE” so we can see it.


Nike Move Crew: Fun games and dance activities led by Nike athletes.  https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=nike+move+crew


Go Noodle I Get Moving: Lots of videos to get children moving, dancing and exercising with lots of music and singing. https://www.youtube.com/user/GoNoodleGames


Fitness Blender: Build your own circuit training session



Careers within the sports industry:

Photographer: Try and take some photos of things to do with sport. It could be equipment, clothes or places where you can play sports.

Sports Journalist: Now that sport is back on the TV, watch some sport and write down as many things as you can about it.

  • Who was playing?
  • What colour were the kits?
  • What sport were they playing?
  • What were their names?
  • What was the score?
  • What sport are they playing?

Personal Trainer: Watch the circuit training videos on the Meadow youtube and try them out.  Then try and add your own exercises to make them even better! You can take out exercises you don’t like and add your favourite.


Sports Nutritionist: Research and make a typical meal for sports people in these sports:

●Weight lifter

●Marathon Runner




Which diet would you most like to have?

Dancer: After watching some “Nike Move Crew” or “Go Noodle” videos, can you plan your own set of moves into a dance sequence?

If you want to make it easier:

You could do a sequence of different animal positions. E.g. Tall giraffe, then small mouse etc. 

Cross Curricular



Task: Jobs and skills activities pack

Link: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t2-lf-507-pshe-and-citizenship-y3-aiming-high-lesson-4-jobs-and-skills-lesson-pack

Task: When I grow up activity pack

Link: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t2-lf-503-pshe-and-citizenship-y3-aiming-high-lesson-6-when-i-grow-up-lesson-pack



World of Work

Aims: These tasks are designed to be done with your child. Green coloured tasks are aimed at
pupils in the main body of the school.
Tasks are a mixture of interactive tasks  and tasks which
build core skills. These are tasks we hope you will enjoy, please select the ones you feel are most


Literacy Focus

Developing skills identifying key information in fiction and non-fiction texts; making links to their own experiences and the world of work.  Building auditory memory - identifying key information and making notes.  Building research skills and developing imagination linked to an extended writing task.


Speaking, Listening, Reading & Writing:

Resources:  videos links in powerpoints

W9 WoW Hairdressers + Lockdown Hair GREEN as
W9 WoW Inventors GREEN as.

Mrs. Sugden reading Even Monsters Need Haircuts [sign supported];

Interview with a Hairdresser [Miss Lennon];

Miss Barratt reading an extract from Whoosh! [the story of the amazing inventor Lonnie Johnson].

Extension Work:  Additional research work on world changing inventions.


Mrs. Sugden reading Even Monsters Need Haircuts [sign supported];


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Interview With A Hairdresser (Miss Lennon)


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Miss Barratt reading an extract from Whoosh !


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Maths Focus



Different jobs wordsearch.
Once you have completed the word search, research online the jobs and find out  3 key facts about each one


You are an astronaut! Play this out of space game to practise your times tables



You are the headteacher of a school! You need to find out how people prefer to travel to school. Complete the tally chart/ pictogram and answer the questions

  • Ask your siblings, cousins, friends, neighbours


You are collecting money for charity, count how much money in the jars at the end of the day


You get really busy in the second week and people have donated more. How much money in this weeks jars?


In the third and final week, you have made the most money! How much money in each jar?



Science Focus


Musician - Musicians write, record, and perform music. Sound is important in their jobs.

Task: Sound is produced by the vibration of air blowing across the open holes of the straws. Create your own pan pipe and explore frequency.

Aim: To investigate how the frequency of a sound can be varied.


  1. Use several straws to make a set of pan pipes!
  2. Each straw should play a different pitch when you blow into it.
  3. Flatten the end 2cm of each straw, and cut a triangle in the end.
  4. Prepare several straws like this, then think about how to change the pitch of the sound each straw makes.
  5. Stick or tie the straws together to make your set of pan pipes.
  6. Blow hard through the triangle end of the straw to make a sound. You may have to try few times to make the sound

Key words: Sound, Frequency, Vibration, Pitch, High, Low

Equipment: Straw, Tape, Scissors

Worksheet: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t2-s-761-new-activity-sheet-straw-pan-pipes-differentiated

Background info:



•Explain how you created your pan pipes so that they can play sounds of different pitches

•Did the shorter straw have a high or low pitch?

•Why do you think this is?

What’s happening?

Sound is produced by the vibration of air blowing across the open holes of the straws. Air blowing through a shorter straw moves quickly in one end and out the other. These vibrations move quickly and have a high frequency, which produces a high pitch. So the faster the vibrations, the higher the pitch / sound.





Computing Challenge:

Your colleague at work receives a strange email with an attachment. They open the attachment and end up downloading a virus. This virus has now given a stranger access to your workplace’s database.

E-safety is always important whether it’s at home or in a place of work.

Task: Poster Challenge  - Create a useful poster that can be distributed to help people identify the different ways of staying safe online while using the internet.

This can be created using a computer or drawn by hand.

(The link below shows useful information to remain safe online)



Task: Make you own Lunch - Whatever job you may work, from a builder to an office worker to a dentist or a waiter, it is important to take a break and have a balanced lunch. Can you think of good lunch ideas? Remember they must be healthy. You can write your ideas on the template attached.

Attached: PDF - Packed Lunch Ideas - Green


Task: Healthy Lunch - In the world of work it is essential to keep your energy up through breaks and lunch. Therefore it is important that children know what a healthy lunch is and this resource is ideal for teaching them about making healthy choices. The children will cut out the foods and stick them in the lunch box to show what they think a healthy lunch is.

Attached: PDF - Healthy Eating Lunch Activity - Green


Task: Supper Salad Wraps Recipe - Make an exciting vegetarian salad wrap with crunchy veg for texture and a good hit of cheddar cheese. Perfect for packing into a lunchbox.

Link: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/super-salad-wraps


Drama / Arts



Task Focus: To pretend or mime you have a job in the circus

What job would you do?

Information: There are lots of jobs people do in the circus. We call these performance jobs. Actors, Comedians, Singers, Stuntmen or Stuntwomen are also types of performers.

Can you think of any careers in the circus? Read the Key words to give you ideas.

Research the careers at BigtopMania (follow the link below)- they offer circus parties for companies who want a fun circus experience.

You will need:

-Paper plates

-Cardboard tube/s

-Paint or felt pens

-Paint brushes




Step 1: Act out different jobs in the circus can you mime different careers and see if anyone can guess which one you are?

Step 2 Make the hoop challenge!

Have a go making the circus hoop challenge game

Once your hoops have dried you can  play the game to see who can hoop the most hoops! One of you will need to be the Ringleader and make sure no one is cheating, count up the hoops and declare the winner!

1. Decorate one plate and cardboard tube to form the ring toss base. Set aside to dry.

2. Decorate your other paper plates to form the tossing rings.

3. Cut the circles out of the middle of these plates.

4. Cut 4-6 slits that are a half-inch long at the bottom of your tube.

5. Fold the tabs on the tube outwards and tape them down to the base plate.

6. Now stand back, and throw your rings towards the base. (Don't forget to aim!)

-If it's too easy, make sure you move back further.

Task Helpful link to follow:



Keywords: Rings, Toss, Throw, Aim- Jobs Acrobat, Ringleader, Trapeze Artist, Clown, Juggler, Tightrope walker

Other optional ideas for wider learning:

Fairground games

You could make a coconut shy or  Tin can Toss game-then use a ball or bean bag to knock them over

Colouring sheets-

Colour the Circus Career  you would like to do

Download and print your favourite here:

Clown PDF

Juggler PDF

Ringmaster PDF


Act out being a hairdresser or another job


Health & Wellbeing 

Physical Activity


The PE staff are uploading videos of circuits training or challenges every week. Have a look at this week’s videos and have a go.



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ThisIsPE: Updated 3 times a week. Fun and easy activities to be done at home. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=thisisPE

Using ideas from the “This is PE” link, try and create your own game using things you can find at home. Write down the rules and play with your family. If you can, upload to Twitter and tag “@MeadowPE” so we can see it.


Nike Move Crew: Fun games and dance activities led by Nike athletes.  https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=nike+move+crew


Go Noodle I Get Moving: Lots of videos to get children moving, dancing and exercising with lots of music and singing. https://www.youtube.com/user/GoNoodleGames


Fitness Blender: Build your own circuit training sessionhttps://www.fitnessblender.com/videos


Careers within the sports industry:

Photographer: Try and take a photo of someone performing a sporting activity. See if you can get the perfect “action shot”. If you can upload it to Twitter, tag @MeadowPE so we can see it.

If you can’t do this then take some photos of anything to do with sport. It can be equipment, clothes or places where you can play sports. Then maybe you can play around with some filters on your phone and make the photos even better!

Sports Journalist: Now that sport is back on the TV, watch some sport and write a review of what you have watched. Try to include players names and key moments within the games.

  • Who was playing?
  • What colour were the kits?
  • What sport were they playing?
  • What were their names?
  • What was the score?
  • What sport are they playing?

Personal Trainer: Start by watching the circuit training videos on the Meadow youtube then have a go at designing your own circuit. Challenge yourself more by trying to focus on specific areas of the body for different sport stars. You can use the Fitness Blender link above to help you.

Sports Nutritionist: Research and make a typical meal for sports people in these sports:

  • Weight lifter
  • Marathon Runner
  • Swimmer
  • Footballer

 Which diet would you most like to have? What are the main differences between the diets? Why do you think that is?

Create a poster for the following components of food, giving their role and what sports they are useful for:





●Vitamins & minerals


Dancer: After watching some “Nike Move Crew” or “Go Noodle” videos, can you plan your own set of moves into a dance sequence?

If you want to make it easier:

You could do a sequence of different animal positions. E.g. Tall giraffe, then small mouse etc


Useful links offering support and discussion:



This week's focus is: Make Time for Me


‘Wellbeing Make Time for Me activity’

‘Wellbeing Resilience Exercise’

‘Wellbeing Powerpoint’


• To encourage students to talk about mental health openly

• To make pupils aware there are ways we can look after our mental health

Work your way through this very reflective activity and think about taking some time out for you! These activities can be done individually or as a family. 


Cross Curricular







Task: Jobs for all learning pack

Link: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-lf-255486-pshe-and-citizenship-y1-aiming-high-lesson-4-jobs-for-all-lesson-pack


Task: Bright Futures learning pack

Link: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-lf-255484-pshe-and-citizenship-y1-aiming-high-lesson-3-bright-futures-lesson-pack



World of Work

Aims:  These tasks are designed to be done with your child. Purple coloured tasks are aimed at pupils who would enjoy more of a challenge .  These are tasks where pupils should be working with greater independence, however  please take time to support pupils in starting the tasks and build communication skills. 


Literacy Focus

Developing skills
identifying key
information in a range
of non-fiction texts
and making clear
notes to be used in a
range of contexts. 
Building understanding
of writing a summary
and completing a
piece of extended
persuasive writing
[sales ‘pitch’]

Examination Writing Terms:  [See powerpoint]



Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing:

Resources:  video links in powerpoints

W9 WoW Hairdressers+Lockdown Hair PURPLE as

W9 WoW Inventors PURPLE as

Videos: Miss Barratt reading an extract from Whoosh!

             An Interview with a Hairdresser [Miss Lennon]

Extension Work:  Additional research on world changing inventions


Miss Barratt reading an extract from Whoosh!


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  An Interview with a Hairdresser [Miss Lennon]



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Maths Focus



You are a scientist! Start with the letter D and see if you can solve all the letters. Good luck!

Complete the fractions maze

You are a mathematician! Complete the ultimate times table challenge


Functional Skills Money Problem questions



Science Focus



Chef - A chef is a trained professional cook. In this activity you will explore the different ways food can be heated up.

Aim: To understand  the 3 methods of heat transfer- convection, conduction and radiation.

Task: Read the example for Conduction and fill in the sections for Convection and Radiation.


Remember: The transfer of heat is always from warmer objects to cooler objects!




Worksheet link:






Task: Choose a job that uses ICT - Identify how it is used in the work environment.

The link below shows Jobs that use Computing and ICT:


Attached: Worksheet - World of work Computing & ICT - Purple


Task: Balanced Lunch - Whatever job you may work, from a builder to an office worker to a dentist or a waiter, it is important to take a break and have a balanced lunch. Remembering what we have learnt from the EatWell Plate, can you create a balanced lunch using the different food groups.

Attached: PDF - Packed Lunch Ideas - Purple

Helpful Links on the EatWell Plate:



Task: Healthier Flapjacks Recipe - A healthier version of traditional fruit and nut bars that are packed with seeds, oats and syrup - perfect for snacking and lunchboxes.

Link: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/healthier-flapjacks

Drama / Arts




Task Focus: Design-to develop a gaming character


Information : A designer is someone who is paid for their designs ideas. They can design clothes, characters, storybook pictures and even computer game characters- People who design 2d ideas are usually called illustrators.



Watch the clip on how to design your own character.

Many designers use photoshop to help them design a character

Task Helpful link to follow:


Discuss how the different layers are used to add costume and actions.


Step2: Design your own character on paper

Decide your character specifics

Write them at the top of your A3 paper page



How does it move? Fast Slow, Jump, Crawl, Fall etc..



On a piece of paper design your character.

Here are some ideas to help you

Step 3: Try to draw your character from different angles

1 x from the front, 1 x from the side.



You will need:

-A3 or A4 Paper


-Colouring Pens


Keywords: Art Job, Career, Designer, Illustrator, Gaming Designer, Character, Front, Side


Other optional ideas for wider learning:

1.Watch the Lego story how it all happened?

Discuss how the name design was important in the sales in the story?


2.Try tying a tie so  you can be ready for a job interview.

Practice acting out interviews for a job you would like-with someone at home.



3. Develop Fashion Design Ideas-Colour the sheets or design your own

Download and print the pdfs to colour here:

Fashion ideas pdf

Clothing pdf

Health & Wellbeing 

Physical Activity


The PE staff are uploading videos of circuits training or challenges every week. Have a look at this week’s videos and have a go.



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ThisIsPE: Updated 3 times a week. Fun and easy activities to be done at home. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=thisisPE

Using ideas from the “This is PE” link, try and create your own game using things you can find at home. Write down the rules and play with your family. If you can, upload to Twitter and tag “@MeadowPE” so we can see it.

Nike Move Crew: Fun games and dance activities led by Nike athletes.  https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=nike+move+crew

Go Noodle I Get Moving: Lots of videos to get children moving, dancing and exercising with lots of music and singing. https://www.youtube.com/user/GoNoodleGames

Fitness Blender: Build your own circuit training sessionhttps://www.fitnessblender.com/videos


Careers within the sports industry:

Photographer: Try and take a photo of someone performing a sporting activity. See if you can get the perfect “action shot”. If you can upload it to Twitter, tag @MeadowPE so we can see it.

Sports Journalist: Now that sport is back on the TV, watch some sport and write a review of what you have watched. Try to include players names and key moments within the games.

Personal Trainer: Start by watching the circuit training videos on the Meadow youtube then have a go at designing your own circuit. Challenge yourself more by trying to focus on specific areas of the body for different sport stars. You can use the Fitness Blender link above to help you.

Sports Nutritionist: Research and make a typical meal for sports people in these sports:

●Weight lifter

●Marathon Runner



Which diet would you most like to have? What are the main differences between the diets? Why do you think that is?

Create a poster for the following components of food, giving their role and what sports they are useful for:





●Vitamins & minerals

Dancer: After watching some “Nike Move Crew” or “Go Noodle” videos, can you plan your own set of moves into a dance sequence?

If you want to make it easier:

You could do a sequence of different animal positions. E.g. Tall giraffe, then small mouse etc. 


Useful links offering support and discussion:




This week's focus is: Make Time for Me


‘Wellbeing Make Time for Me activity’

‘Wellbeing Resilience Exercise’

‘Wellbeing Powerpoint’


• To encourage students to talk about mental health openly

• To make pupils aware there are ways we can look after our mental health

Work your way through this very reflective activity and think about taking some time out for you! These activities can be done individually or as a family. 

Cross Curricular






Task: Future focus activity pack



Task: Innovation and Enterprise activity pack

