Dear Parents/Carers
As part of a Hillingdon wide initiative to protect young people from becoming victims of knife crime, we are working with the Safer Schools team.
As part of this initiative we will use measures such as education input via lessons to teach some pupils about the dangers of carrying weapons. We will also be teaching pupils about how to keep themselves safe should they become aware of anyone having a weapon. This learning would also focus on the consequences to anyone who is found carrying a weapon.
Should we identify anyone we believe is at risk of carrying a weapon in school, we will conduct school searches and talk to families of pupils. If we do find any weapons we will report this to the police.
We think it is important that should a specific risk be identified, we work alongside the family and the police to ensure the safety of all.
To do this, we also need to make sure that you, the families, are aware of some of the warning signs and talk to children about carrying weapons. The consequences of being found in possession of a knife are serious and long lasting; affecting education, employment, and travel opportunities, but, more significantly, life opportunities in general.
Some young people carry weapons because they feel it will provide protection or increase the respect they are given by their friends, but the sad fact is that people who carry knives are more likely to become victims of serious violence themselves.
Parents should also be aware that children are often asked to carry knives for friends who they believe are less likely to be stopped by the police e.g. by a boyfriend/girlfriend or older friends. This makes some of our pupils particularly vulnerable.
These signs don’t always mean the worst is happening and could just be normal teenage behaviour:
- Have they become withdrawn from the family and/or school?
- Is their school or college reporting worrying changes in behaviour, academic achievement or attendance?
- Have they lost interest in positive activities such as sports clubs?
- Do they stay out unusually late without giving a reason and are vague about their whereabouts?
- Have they stopped seeing old friends and started hanging out with a new group?
- Are they secretive about the contents of their bag?
- Are they defensive if you ask what is in their possession or if they are hiding anything?
- Has their attitude changed about carrying knives/weapons? For example, justifying it by saying people carry them for self-defence?
- Have any items gone missing from the kitchen, tool box or garage?
- Have you found a weapon hidden amongst their possessions?
Speak to them calmly and explain the risks and consequences. Further advice on talking to your child is available at:
You may wish to contact an Assistant Headteacher or any other member of the Senior Leadership Team if you feel your child isn’t listening or is at risk. We can talk through your concerns and plan a way forward together.
If you or your child are aware that other young people in school or the community are carrying knives or weapons, you should contact the police directly via 101. Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via
If a crime is taking place or a life is in danger, call 999 immediately.
It is essential that we work together to reduce the chances of children bringing a weapon to school. Ours, like most other schools, will take firm action in relation to any student found to be carrying a knife, both on and off the school premises, and the police will be informed. This may include the use of permanent exclusion as a sanction.
Where young people are involved in crime, the police will try to avoid criminalising them; however, carrying a knife or other weapon is very serious and the most likely result will be a charge and court appearance or a caution delivered by the Youth Offending Service.
If you would like to discuss this issue in more detail, please contact the school.
Ms J Richards
Assistant Headteacher