Dear Families
New Build
Thank you to those of you who were able to join me for this week's presentation and update about the new school build. If you didn't manage to make it or would like to access the presentation again for yourself or your child, it is now available on the website.
The build team is setting up a presentation and email address for local residents. We will share the address of where you can access this presentation when it becomes available.
The team have met with us this week to discuss: Work Experience opportunities for our pupils; possible employment opportunities for current or ex-pupils; a whole school Health and Safety assembly where pupils will meet the team (virtually) and become familiar with how to be safe on a building site; developing a schedule for pupils to visit the new build in their tutor groups or as part of the 6th from construction option group.
When pupils visit the build site they would need to wear either wellies or walking boots (we do have some on site for those who do not have them) and a hard hat and high visibility vest provided by the build team. They would also need to be wearing trousers for the visit (this could be under a skirt) but trousers must be worn to be allowed on the site.
I am sure that our pupils (and staff) will be very excited to have this amazing opportunity and please be assured that we will only take pupils onto the site when the team invite us, tell us it is safe to do so, pupils are safely and appropriately equipped and we assess that they can act safely and appropriately on the site.
I am pleased to report that we have had another week with no confirmed cases of Covid-19 in our school community. Should we be notified of a confirmed case, in line with guidance to schools, we would contact the DfE helpline and Public Health Team. These teams would guide us as to the appropriate course of action.
School Banners
Thank you to everyone who has noticed and followed the requests on our new school banners regarding using the school crossing and areas where not to drop your child and stop your car. We are very appreciative of you helping to keep all our pupils safe.
The Department for Education (DfE) and Ofqual have not yet released how and when the 2020-2021 exams will be conducted. For pupils who sit external exams, we are continuing with their course of study and will keep them and their families informed of any developments.
National Recycling Week
Class LD were excellent hosts to Mrs Rigby's whole school assembly this week. The assembly focused on recycling, particularly in relation to plastic bottles. Did you know that on average there are 2 plastic bottles thrown away every day for every person in the UK? Over the course of a year that adds up to around 4,865,450,000. Four billion, eight hundred and sixty five million, four hundred and fifty thousand! Although the sound quality of the assembly was not good for everyone in classes, they were challenged to see if they could reduce the number of plastic bottles they use every year!
Bike Left at School
Before lockdown in March pupils took part in the Bikeability training at school. We still have one bike that has not returned to its home! If this is yours please let us know and call the school to arrange collection.
Lost Property
Please ensure that all your child's clothes and belongings are clearly labelled with their name. When we resume our normal timetable and pupils move about the school more we will only be able to reunite owners with their items if they are labelled!
Best wishes to you all for a safe and peaceful weekend.
Mrs Rigby