Dear Families
Firstly, may I take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and understanding this term during what has been a challenging time for all of us at home and school alike.
Since the last bulletin we have had two confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the school community. We have followed the advice from Public Health England in regard to staff and pupils.
As I said in our last bulletin, we will continue to support Track and Trace and would ask that you email or text 07851 254 246 if your child tests positive for COVID-19 up until Wednesday 23rd December.
Please include:
your child’s name
the date when symptoms first appeared
the date of the confirmed COVID-19 test result
their last day in school.
We will inform other parents by email if their child has been a ‘close contact’ and is required to self-isolate.
For clarity, if your child tests positive for COVID-19, having developed symptoms more than 48 hours since being in school, the school should not be contacted in this case. Please follow contact tracing instructions provided by NHS Test and Trace.
Thank you to everyone who has donated items for our Uxbridge Food Bank collection. Your generosity will help support Hillingdon's most needy families over the Christmas period.
A local charity 'Give and Share' kindly donated 15 hampers for us to distribute to families in need. We are extremely grateful for their kind thoughtfulness.
Each year our younger pupils normally attend a Christmas party organised by Ruislip Golf Club. Although they weren't able to run this for us this year, they very kindly sent a selection box for each of the pupils who would have attended.
Christmas events
The resilience of our pupils and the ingenuity of our staff never ceases to amaze me!
The past few days have seen virtual pantomimes, socially distanced Christmas dinners, Bubble parties, creative competitions including the best decorated classroom door, Christmas jumpers, funny staff 'Elf yourself' videos, a whole school socially distanced BIG BREAKFAST and a collaborative / video-spliced Winter concert!
Well done everyone for turning what could have been a sad end of term into an amazing series of community events!
Start of term
May I wish you a very safe, healthy and happy holiday and I look forward to seeing you all back here on the first day of term, Monday 4th January 2021.