Weekly Bulletin - Issue 19 - Friday 5 February 2021
Issue 19 - Friday 5 February 2021
Dear Families,
We currently have one confirmed case of Covid in our community.
Apologies to all who attended last Wednesday's assembly about Rosa Parks. As you know, there were issues with the technology and sound and unfortunately there was some inappropriate and unkind behaviour from some pupils.
Pupils who did not conduct themselves as we would expect have been contacted by school staff regarding their behaviour.
We are going to trial using Zoom as a platform for next week's assembly to see if this is more successful.
Thank you all for your helpful feedback and tolerance. We will get it right!
Google classroom
We will be sharing help videos for families in the next week. Please check your SPAM filters if you haven't received your child's email login details as these are needed for Google Classroom.
In this week's meetings with the Build Team we were discussing the move or 'decant' from our current buildings into the new ones. The first of these moves takes place at the very beginning of September this year. We also had a meeting to discuss the audio / visual set up in the main assembly hall and the installation of ceiling track curtains that will create a staged area. All very exciting!
The Build Team have told me this is the wettest site they have ever worked on which is clearly a huge challenge. They are currently moving around some of the planned work to take account of the weather and the water on site so that we don't fall behind the schedule.
Half term track and trace for pupils tested positive with Covid who are attending school
In the upcoming half term week, schools have once again been asked to support the track and trace effort. This ONLY applies to pupils who have been attending school. All other track and trace will be completed by the NHS team.
If your child has been attending school and tests positive for Covid-19 up until Wednesday 17th February we would ask that you email jrigby@meadowhighschool.org or text 07851 254 246
Please ensure you include:
your child’s name
tutor group
the date when symptoms first appeared (if they had symptoms)
the date they took the Covid-19 test
the date of the confirmed Covid-19 test result
their last day in school.
We will inform other parents by email if their child has been a ‘close contact’ and is required to self-isolate.
For clarity, if your child tests positive for Covid-19, having developed symptoms more than 48 hours since being in school, the school should not be contacted in this case. Please follow contact tracing instructions provided by NHS Test and Trace.
May I wish you all a good weekend. I believe from the weather forecast we may have some snow on Sunday so I hope you can all enjoy it safely.
Best wishes,
Mrs J Rigby
Head Teacher
Half-Term holiday
Monday 15 February 2021 - Friday 19 February 2021
Dear all
Please be aware that Meadow High School will be closed to ALL pupils on Wednesday 24th February 2021, as stated on the school website/calendar.
This day is Annual Review day for some of our students and this will take place virtually. We will be sending formal invitations via post early next week to parents for those selected pupils. Teachers will also be sending virtual invitations via email in due course and you are welcome to ask your child's Teacher if they are due to have one on this date.
Those pupils who have not had one in November or February, please rest assured that they will take place in our next batch, during the month of June.
Kind regards
Meadow High School
Parent/Carer Google Meet Protocol
for Live Sessions
The purpose of Google Meet calls are:
To have face to face contact with as many pupils as possible in the class
To allow teachers to share learning overviews with the pupil
To check in to see how learning has been going
To show and share learning with the class and celebrate achievements during the week
Teachers may also use these opportunities to share stories, answer questions, lead very short teaching sessions, or to explain some tasks in more detail.
PLEASE NOTE: These sessions are for pupils, not adults/parents
Please help your child set up and access the Google Meet lesson/session via the invite sent to you (or Google Classroom when this comes online very soon)
Please make sure that your child is ready 5 minutes before the start of the meeting, to ensure they are on time
Please ensure your child is appropriately dressed for the meeting
Please be mindful that family members are also appropriately dressed (in the event they wander into a camera shot!
Please ensure other family members are out of camera shot and do not take part in the video call
Please talk to your child about the appropriate way to behave in any meeting - in the same way as if they were in school with a member of staff. If a child is behaving inappropriately, the school may need to suspend their session temporarily or suspend their school google account
Please DO NOT film the session on other devices - this is a safeguarding and potentially a GDPR issue
Guidance and Support for Parents/Carers
Please let your child have some privacy. They need to be able to take part without worrying about you overhearning them
Plug in and close all other tabs: Video conferencing uses a lot of machine power. It’s a good idea to keep devices plugged into the mains power
Do a practice run: role playing is a great way to prepare your child for what’s expected in the video class environment. If you have two devices, you could use FaceTime and video-chat as if you’re leading the class. Pretend you’re the teacher and ‘invite’ them to a meeting
Set expectations for how your child should behave on camera: face the screen; mute yourself when not speaking; unmute yourself when ready to talk; turn off the camera if you need to blow your nose, etc
Children should behave appropriately, just the same as if they were in class
Children may need headphones, pens and paper to take notes.
Choose a neutral background: broadcasting from the bedroom isn’t appropriate for a class setting. If they must, help them set up a space where they can have a little peace and quiet but doesn’t show too many personal details
Don’t take devices into the bathroom: just as when they are at school, pupils should go to the toilet before class.
Be respectful of others: as in class, we expect our pupils to be polite to the teacher and to others. Remind them that this is an unusual time for
everyone, and to be appropriate and kind to each other
Ms J Richards
Assistant Head - Year 9, 10 and 11
Asthma-Friendly School
We are delighted that we have achieved Asthma-Friendly School Status again this year.
Scouts - Go-Getter Challenge
Hello all,
I am really pleased to say in the last week Members of the 8th Hillingdon have been working hard towards their 'Go Getter Challenge' award.
The 'Go Getter Challenge' is given to Scouts who complete a range of tasks and activities whilst in lockdown. This week Scouts have been given the task to promote Scouting to others.
A range of pictures and video clips have been sent in showing everyone being very creative.
The organisers of the award were particularly impressed with Alife's entry, who made a Lego scene, promoting the first time he entered a District event. Alife represented the 8th Hillingdon last January at an Air Rifle shooting competition.
Leaders in the Greater London and Middlesex West are so impressed they have shared the images on their Facebook page, www.facebook.com/glmwscouts.
Scouts are set new challenges each Monday. These challenges are being completed in addition to their School work.
I wonder what next week Challange could be ................
We have a Meadow twitter account and we’d like to use it more to connect with learners at home and to share with our community the wonderful work that Meadow Students complete!
Please follow our twitter page: @meadowhighsch and keep an eye out for any games, challenges and activities that you can complete at home
This week during ‘Social Time’ with Mrs Daniels, Pathway 1 completed a quiz. The students really enjoyed it so we thought we would share it with you all. How many can you get right? You can send your answers to ldaniels@meadowhighschool.org
What is the orange bit in an egg called?
What is the 10th letter of the alphabet?
Who is the nation’s PE teacher that appears on You Tube?
How many 0’s are there in one Thousand?
Who is the prime minister of Britain?
What is the name of Anna and Elsa’s kingdom in Frozen?
What is the name of the cowboy in Toystory?
What does an author do?
How many players are there in a football team?
What is the biggest animal in the ocean?
How many lives does a cat have?
How many legs does a spider have?
Is a koala bear a real bear?
What are triceratops and bronchiosauraus?
Nala and Simba are what sort of animals?
How many brains does an octopus have?
What was Elsa’s song in Frozen 1 called?
Who is the Headteacher of Meadow High School?
What exciting thing is happening at school on the field?
Who do you go to in school if you are feeling poorly?
Pupil Showcase
This week Class LD have been working on Similes.
Kofi and Vinaay have worked extremely hard and would like to share their work with you all.
Mrs Daniels - Teacher, Class LD
Class 11ZK were set weekend homework to use their creative skills to make or build something.
They all worked really hard, Lucas built some wonderful Lego sets, Ben baked a cake for his sister's birthday, Dylan B made some lovely cookies, Dylan W made a yummy chocolate cake, Daisy created a flower from paper, Poppy used her cooking skills to make cookies and soup, Aleesha recreated 11ZK’s classroom from cardboard and Casie used her skills to build a house and all the furniture.
Well done 11ZK.
Miss Perry - Teaching Assistant - 11ZK
Week 15-19 February 2021 - HALF TERM
Wednesday 24 February 2021 - Annual Review Day (for some pupils)
To view the school calendar visit the websiteNEWS/CALENDAR
No letters home this week.
For those pupils currently attending school, lunches will follow the Autumn Winter menu as far as possible. However, it may be necessary to make some changes to the menu during lock-down, due to supply issues and number of pupils having lunch.
Week - 8-12 February 2021
Week 1 - Autumn / Winter Menu
Hillingdon Adult Learning
are running a free course
#AnInternetWeTrust: Safer Internet Day Workshop
Please join them for a free online workshop 11am-1pm, specifically for parents/carers to discover how we can all create #AnInternetWeTrust.
Tuesday 9February 2021 marks Safer Internet Day and with so many children learning online at the moment, ensuring children are safe online is more important than ever. This 2-hour online workshop has been designed especially for parents and carers to explore reliability in the online world and discover steps you can safe to keep yourself and your children safe online.
We will cover topics such as:
Screen time – the positives and negatives
Cyber bullying, trolling and grooming – how it happens and signs to look out for
Fake news, clickbait, conspiracy theories and paid influencing – how to identify whether online information is accurate
The impact of online advertising on children
Steps you can take to keep safe online and how to report concerns
DASH would like to hear from parents/carers of SEND children and young people aged 18 and under. Please spend a couple of minutes filling in their short 6 question survey about activities you would like to see in Hillingdon Borough. The closing date for responses is 26th February 2021.
Non Violent Resistance Parenting - Introductory Session
Here is an opportunity to book onto the online Non-Violent Resistance parenting approach introductory session. For those of you on low income or means-tested benefits, the course is being offered for £5 only. Parents/carers that have attended previous NVR sessions and have put the teaching into practice at home, highly recommend the strategies that have been taught. Please use the Eventbrite link below to book your place.
Hillingdon Parent / Carer Forum
(Non-Violent Resistance Parenting Approach) Offered by NVR Practitioners Consortium
For parents and carers of children with challenging behaviours Saturday 13th February 2021, 10:30am-12:30pm
The next NVR PC Online introduction is taking place on Saturday 13th February 2021.
We know that many parents of children with disabilities struggle to manage their children's behaviours of concern, including aggression, violence, controlling and self-destructive behaviour.
The Non-Violent Resistance (NVR) Parenting Programme has helped thousands of families to change their lives. Parents report increased confidence in their parenting, a greater sense of agency and improved relationships within the family.
NVR has proved effective with neuro-atypical children/young people, including those who are non-verbal, and with all kinds of family make-up, including foster and adoptive families.
For parents/carers who want to find out more, we are holding a 2-hour online Introduction To NVR session. The aim is to help people decide if this approach could work for their family and to offer some tools for them to implement straightaway.
The session will be presented by myself and my colleague, Dawn Oliver. Both of us are parents of neuro-atypical children and we have both embedded NVR in our families.
Date: Saturday, 13th February 2021
Time: 10:30am – 12:30pm
Cost: £10 (£5 for those on a low income or receiving means-tested benefits)