Care Plans
We are currently reviewing our systems for medical care plans and where and how we record and share important medical information in school.
Having reviewed the current system of care plans, I am in the process of updating our systems and this may mean that we cease some care plans where the school is not actively supporting or managing a medical need. Please do not worry, we will still record, know and share this important information as and when needed. For example, we would tell a paramedic any relevant medical history when needed to insure the right medical care was given. However, where we do not actually directly provide care for a condition eg. an allergy to a medication, we will not issue a care plan and will cease current care plans. You will be notified in writing where this occurs and, if you feel we really do need a care plan, we can discuss this with you and explain in more detail where and how we will maintain a record of this need.
In general all key information will be recorded on a secure encrypted electronic system called Medical Tracker which will streamline our system and make key information more readily accessible when it is needed.
Kind Regards
Ms C Caddell
Deputy Headteacher