Dear Families
Autumn has definitely arrived!! Please ensure your child has suitable footwear and outdoor clothing as it is quite wet on site at the moment.
We have had no confirmed cases of Covid since the last bulletin.
If your child is unwell, please keep them at home and arrange for a PCR test.
You should be so proud of your children. They were absolutely amazing yesterday during the vaccination programme and the team commented on how calm, polite and mature they were. We don't yet know if 12-15 year olds will be offered a second dose, but will let you know as soon as we have any information.
This week's assembly was themed 'Sticks and Stones' and focused on just how much words can hurt us. We looked at the sorts of things people can say and call it 'banter', but in reality, how hurtful and damaging it can be. As well as identifying some of the hurtful and inappropriate things people can say, we had a focus on kind words and using good and appropriate language. Generally we find that focusing on the desired behaviour can have a much more beneficial effect than always focusing on the undesirable.
Parents' Meeting With The Head
Thank you to all the families that attended this week's meetings. I hope you found the presentation useful and informative.
For those of you who weren't able to attend the main information was:
- Who are the members of the school's Safeguarding Team?
- How are we maintaining our Covid secure school?
- What are British Values, and how do we teach and promote them?
- Pathways to Success and Life After Meadow. Information available on the website at
- Personalised Learning Intention maps, PLIMS. What are they, and how are the pupils' targets created?
- What is the learning and assessment cycle at Meadow, and how do PLIMS and subject frameworks fit in?
- Evidence for Learning (EfL) - How visuals support the reporting of pupils' progress. Volunteers for a Pilot group. Information available on the website at
- Build update.
If you would like more information about other aspects of the school, or you would like information or training in any other area, please let our Home Liaison Officer know, and we will do our best to facilitate this.
Very best wishes for this wet and windy weekend!
Mrs J Rigby