Dear Families
Well, we've reached that time of year again when the days are shorter and colder, the leaves are drifting down, and our school field is becoming an extremely muddy mess!
We are trying to allow pupils to continue playing on the field in the less muddy patches for as long as possible as we have such limited play space at the moment. If your child is coming home with muddy shoes, then please feel free to send them in with a spare pair of shoes or trainers to change into at break times to keep their school shoes clean.
We have had one confirmed case of Covid in our community since the last bulletin.
Please continue to complete twice weekly Lateral Flow Tests to check your child isn't asymptomatic.
If your child does have a close contact with a confirmed case of Covid, in or out of school, please immediately arrange for them to have a PCR test.
Those who are under 18 and a half, or are older and double vaccinated, do not need to be isolated from school should they have a close contact.
Our new enrichment afternoons will be starting on Friday 19th November. Pupils have been able to opt to take part in a huge variety of activities with peers from across the school. The purpose of the enrichment is to:
- Introduce pupils to hobbies and interests that they might then take up outside school (part of our Life After Meadow drive);
- Enable social interaction and communication between a diverse range of peers and to encourage pupils to develop positive self direction skills, so they are able to productively occupy themselves without full time adult supervision.
Over the next few months we will let you know more about the different activities and will share photos with you.
A reminder that next week, pupils finish school on Thursday 11th and return the following week on Thursday 18th to enable us to decant into the new school. The entrance for all pedestrians will be at the South Gate which is nearest to the new school entrance. We will have lots of staff outside on the 18th and 19th to help you navigate the new entrances.
We are still unable to have parent / carer cars on site apart from those already agreed by the school due to exceptional circumstances.
Parents / carers dropping off in the local area, please be mindful of our local residents and general road safety. Can we ask that you don't block driveways or park on the area around the crossing. Additionally, please ensure that both you and your child use the zebra crossing to cross Royal Lane in both directions, whether you have a child with you or not.
Many thanks in anticipation of this and the good road safety example you will set for all our pupils.
This week we looked ahead to the National Road Safety Week 15th to 21st November. This year's theme is 'Road Safety Heroes' which includes the Police, Paramedics and Lollipop people. Pupils have been invited to use their additional days off to complete a Road Safety poster or poem which we can then celebrate on their return to school.
During the assembly we focused on the Road Safety A, B, C's.