Dear Families,
I hope you are well and enjoyed the beautiful weather over the school holiday. It was wonderful to welcome back our pupils on Tuesday and to see them looking happy and refreshed.
Staff have moved back into our Art, DT and Science classrooms this week, and we look forward to pupils being back in these classrooms using the full range of equipment and resources from Monday 25th April. The Sports hall is still on schedule, so we look forward to using it and the changing rooms from September. This will mean that from September pupils will no longer come to school dressed in their PE kit, but will change, as necessary, in the new facilities. Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit as tracksuits, jumpers and other items that do not conform with the PE uniform will not be permitted.
This week we have all enjoyed watching our eggs hatch and, as of today, we have 10 beautiful chicks in our incubator. Pupils have been able to visit and hold the chicks, as well as watching them hatch via a live link. Thank you to Miss Barham for organising this!
We were delighted that our Panathlon swimming team had such good fun this week and went on to win the competition. Hearing about the heats they took part in was fascinating and wore me out just listening!
Lots of pupils have been out and about in the community this week which is so much easier with the nicer weather. I bumped into one group as they walked to the local shops, and I was extremely impressed to see how road safety aware they were and what a credit their behaviour was to the school.
As you may know, every year during the summer term we find a reason to hold a whole school event / celebration / street party. This year we are delighted to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, which we will do on Friday 27th May (the last day of the half-term). Pupils will be invited to wear clothing in any combination of red, white and blue, and we will have a tree planting ceremony as part of Her Majesty's 'Plant a tree for the Jubilee'. Later, in October, every tutor group will plant a tree on the site as another part of creating the Queens green canopy. This will include native slow growing hardwoods as well as fruit trees.
Other events this term will include our Sports day and our International Week and Culture Fest! If you haven't attended either of these events before we look forward to inviting you to join us to celebrate.
What a lot to look forward to! Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs J Rigby